Organizing Your Kitchen

Does your kitchen always seem too cluttered? Do you struggle to find more space in your small kitchen? If so, I’ve got some simple organization tips and tricks that can help you keep things tidier and even create more storage space. How do I know? I use all of these tricks  in my own kitchen!


8 Great Tips for Organizing, De-Cluttering and

Maximizing Space in Your Kitchen


1) Use a plastic magazine holder from an office supply store to hold your boxes of foil and wraps. Storing the boxes vertically in a cabinet keeps them tidier and easier to find while also freeing up valuable drawer space.


2) Apply self-adhesive squares of cork board to the inside of your kitchen cabinets. Using cute thumbtacks, you can pin up items that normally would be cluttering up your kitchen counter: shopping list, coupons, receipts, recipes, notes.

3) For the cabinets under your sink, use an over-the-door caddy (designed for showers) to store sponges, soap, dish detergent and other items that you might usually keep around the edge of your sink. They’ll be out of sight but also right where you need them!

4) Use a bread box for counter top storage. You can turn it into a coffee station by placing it next to your coffee pot and stash things like filters, sugar, K-cups or tea bags in it. Or use it to store small items such as napkins, vitamin bottles or anything else you keep on the counter. With a closable lid, the bread box will leave your counter top looking sleek and tidy; only you will know what’s inside!

5) Stick small self-adhesive hooks to the inside of cabinet doors to hang light, often-used items like measuring cups and spoons, oven mitts or small towels. This keeps tools right where you need them and prevents “junk drawer” syndrome.

6) Slide under-shelf storage baskets like this one Shelf Mesh Basket onto the shelves in your cabinets to avoid wasting all that extra vertical space. Put items like napkins and place mats in these baskets to free up drawer space.

7) Line drawers with a number of small baskets or plastic trays and group like items together in them.  The baskets prevent the contents of the drawer from getting all jumbled together so you’ll be able to find exactly what you need at a glance.

8) Use a turntable on one shelf in the refrigerator for small jars, tubes, packets or containers. You can spin the turntable to locate an item so nothing gets pushed to the the very back of the shelf and forgotten (yuck!). This also frees up the door storage bins for larger containers.

What are your favorite kitchen organizational tricks?

Kitchen Organization Ideas

Julianne Puckett is the creator of Yankee Kitchen Ninja, a blog about what she calls “stealthy homemaking” — healthy recipes that are quick and easy to prepare, DIY gardening tips and the occasional craft project. A designer, writer and former suburban-dwelling IT professional, she lives in rural Vermont, where she struggles to balance the siren call of her inner farmer with her love of cute shoes and cocktails.

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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