What to Plant in May

What to Plant in May | Tipsaholic.com #gardening #vegetables #planting #food #healthy


They say that you reap what you sow. Well, it’s May and it’s time to sow the seeds for a harvest to reap come summer! Here’s what to plant in your garden during the month of May. Since weather conditions may vary depending on where you live, this list of what to plant in May should apply to you if it’s consistently in the 50s during nights.


1. Cucumber

Cool down in the summer with cold cucumber dishes by planting cucumber seeds in your garden now! Cucumbers grow very fast; you should expect to see cucumbers show up in your garden within two weeks of planting. If you have a small garden, cucumbers will be a perfect fit since they can climb. Find an area in your garden that receives full sun and you’ll be enjoying cucumber salads (and cucumber facials) before you know it!

Here is some more information on growing cucumbers and learn how to prevent them from tasting bitter.


2. Cantaloupe

This sweet fruit is popular with kids and can be turned into a delicious cantaloupe milkshake! It’s important to ensure that your soil is warmer than 65 degrees before planting cantaloupe seeds, so if you live in a cooler climate you can cover the soil with black plastic for a few weeks to heat it up. Then cut out small holes and plant the seeds without removing the black plastic. Grow vines in raised rows for best results, but you can grow them on a trellis if you’re limited on space.

For more tips and tricks on growing cantaloupes, read this guide on growing cantaloupes.


3. Zucchini

The question of what to plant in May is often answered with the beloved zucchini. Your neighbors will love you if you plant zucchini in your garden. With proper care, you’re sure to get a bumper crop and end up giving some of your crop to others! At least, you’ll never run out of this vegetable all summer after you plant it in your garden this month. Zucchini, or yellow squash, should be planted in warm soil; use the black plastic method mentioned above when planting zucchini in May if needed. Grow zucchini in full sun and be sure to frequently water the seeds.

For more detailed information on planting summer squash in your garden, here’s a great guide.


4. Beet

If you salivate over the thought of a beet and goat cheese sandwich, plant beets in your garden in May. Soil that is at least 50 degrees is warm enough for beet seeds to grow. Beets are a long-season crop and you’ll be enjoying the red root vegetable until well into fall. If you live in an area where it’s dry and doesn’t rain very much, soak the beet seeds for one full day before you plant them. Then enjoy that beet sandwich!

You’ll find more helpful information on planting beets here.


Now that you know what to plant in May, what are you planning on growing in your garden this month? I’m leaning towards zucchini…


Featured image courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens.


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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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