40 Halloween Costumes For Babies & Toddlers

I’ll be honest: one of the reasons I wanted to have kids was so I could dress them up for Halloween. For example, last year we couldn’t decide on just one costume, so my husband and I dressed our daughter up as Tinkerbell AND Hulk Hogan. Much as I enjoy it, though, it can be hard to come up with truly awesome costume ideas. For you parents who need a little help in that department, here’s a list of some great Halloween costumes for babies and toddlers to get those creative juices flowing.

40 Halloween Costume Ideas for Babies and Toddlers via Tipsaholic

40 Halloween Costume Ideas for Babies and Toddlers via Tipsaholic

Classic Halloween costumes

It’s hard to go wrong with one of these Halloween staples.

Candy corn costume





Candy corn



What do baby humans and baby animals have in common? They’re just so dang cute!

Sock monkey baby costume





Sock monkey

Turtle (bonus points for multiple kids dressed as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!)


Familiar characters

Instantly recognizable, one of these classics is always a good choice.

Superhero costumes

Thing 1 and Thing 2 (Perfect for twins or siblings close in age.)

Cabbage Patch Kid

Superheroes (Tiny Clark Kent! Tiny Batgirl! Tiny capes for everyone!)

Garden gnome

Athletes (specific players or generic “baseball player” type costumes)



As if tiny toes weren’t delicious enough, these costumes will make you want to gobble your little ones right up.

Cotton candy

Ice cream cone

Gummy bear




Fairy Tales

You could stick to Disney classics (what little girl doesn’t want to be a princess for a day?) or take a page out of these other old favorites.


Little red riding hood

Hansel & Gretel

Goldilocks (and the three bears, of course)

The 3 little pigs

Jack and the beanstalk


Movie/TV Characters 

There are about a million costume ideas in your home movie library. Re-watch some of your old favorites to get inspired.

Oompa Loompa costume

Star Wars (Ewok, R2D2)

Muppets (Kermit, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch…pick your favorite!)

Nacho Libre

Napoleon Dynamite

Oompa Loompa (from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)


Parent/baby costumes

If you’re going to spend the evening together, you might as well match! Several of these work best if you use a baby carrier like a Moby Wrap and build your costume around it.

A spider on a web

A mama kangaroo and her joey

A chef with a lobster in a pot

A popcorn vendor and a bag of popcorn


Stroller Costumes

If baby isn’t mobile yet, why not turn your stroller into part of her Halloween costume?

Mouse in a trap costume

Mouse in a trap

Construction worker in a bulldozer

Hot air balloon

NASCAR driver


Jen is the mother of two sweet girls; her days are filled with Dr. Seuss books and laundry, block castles and pink tutus. Reading is her first passion. Finding and testing out delicious recipes is a close second. She and her husband are working on making their fixer-upper home into something amazing. It’s a satisfying but painfully slow process. Read more from Jen at her blog: Nothing Can Come Of Nothing.

For more ideas, check out Remodelaholic’s Halloween costume idea Pinterest board!

For more Halloween tips check out these ideas:

10 spooky kids crafts for Halloween via Tipsaholic.com          5 Quick and Easy Halloween Party Treats via Tipsaholic          5 Quick and Easy Spooky Halloween Decorations via Tipsaholic.com

10 Spooky Kid Crafts            Halloween Party Treats           Spooky Halloween Decorations


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Jen makes her home in the Alberta prairies with her husband and young daughter, where she writes about all things DIY. From home renovations to arts and crafts, if it's home decor she'll get her hands dirty and give it a shot!

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