Wall finishes, decisions, decisions….

I have this problem.

There is TOO much eye candy online.  I should explain that it has taken me a few years to really pin point what I like, actually I am still working on this.  And since I studied design, I feel like I have a healthy respect for almost all types of design or at least I can appreciate the good points, even if I can’t live in the space.  (top image source)


That means my personal style tends to be a little too fluid, which is making the creation of my home’s style frustrating. So while I have been defining my personal style, surprisingly I have been sort of leaning back to my roots (pre-college) experience of design.  Before being influenced by billions of design and confusing myself.


board and batten staircase

When I did my mood board for the family room, which has since changed a ton because of the big rug switcheroo, I was considering something more architectural for the walls.  Something like the board and batten from BHG above and below.


family room walls

But I think I am leaning away from board and batten now. Then I found this picture while surfing the BHG site.  I love the art!  BUT what caught my eye was the exact set up of the wall that I have planned.  Blue walls, molding, then I have that awkward space above… hum, me-likey… which makes me want to add this wood look above the crown.  But it is going to take a LOT of time to collect that much old wood so this is still to be determined.


Okay the next wall finish option, I thought would be fun to look at stencil ideas.  I love the idea of stencils, I am just not sure I am prepared for the time commitment OR having to deal with the bane of my existence (otherwise known as heavy orange peel wall texture)


So, I thought I would ask what you guys think… I’ve been playing around in Photoshop, I have some ideas for the room, obviously nothing is totally finished or perfect…


I want to hear what you think:

Stencil or NO stencil?

Bonus: What type of stencil look do you like?

New Room copy - not stenciled

New Room with fishscale stencil copy


I REEE-ally wanna replace the sofa.  And it is sorta- maybe-fingers crossed gonna happen…. but I can’t make any promises yet.


So, on the subject of the walls… what do you think?  Can’t wait to hear!


P.S. I Just got back from SNAP!  I had the time of my life, and FINALLY met people I have been dying to meet for years!!  I just LOVE making new friends!  I cannot wait for next year (and actually for Haven in JUNE! since that is even sooner!)  This was my first conference and going may just have awoken a beast!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I agree with Cassie, but I think I really like the look of the stenciling better than the wood. It just doesn’t grab me the way the stencil does.

  2. What if you used pallet wood above the crown? You could even white wash it once installed. Cheap and easier to come by in most places than barn wood. Maybe stencil only one wall? The wall without the paneling to give it some interest? I’m thinking you could use the same color but different finishes…flat wall, semi gloss (or even satin) design?

    1. Teresa, I definitely have thought about the white washed pallet wood, but I LOVE the width of the boards in that picture 8-10 inches, and I don’t think I could find that in pallets…. but it might be something we consider!

    1. Kristen- I know, I think I saw you on Saturday night, but I was wasted and didn’t hang out long! AND I decided I wouldn’t take my camera so I wouldn’t have to lug it around, then I realized that I should have for the photo class (that I ended up skipping since I didn’t bring the camera) Anyway, we totally do need to meet, fingers crossed, at the next event!!!

  3. You could always paint and then do the ceiling color above the trim. I know it isn’t as exciting but then you can still have the two tone effect and decide on the stencil-wood idea later. I like both pretty equally, having a design background myself I totally see where you are coming from on personal style! LOVE the barn doors. I can’t wait to see those!

    1. Jody- I have the walls and ceiling all painted! I am really happy with them, and maybe I will just live with them for a while, I just really want to add some interest, but I don’t want it to be crazy!

  4. I have a really “interesting” ceilings in my new home and they also have the orange peelwall texture… with that said I have been collecting ideas about I want to do. This may not work in your room, but you could try white paneling: https://www.atlantahomesmag.com/sites/default/files/images/3/gallery_images/amyegdines_071.jpg and another room (#9) https://www.atlantahomesmag.com/article/traditional-twist. It will: 1. give you your architectural interest 2. no stenciling needed 3. you don’t have to spend time collecting old wood or put in crown and 4. It would make the whole ceiling look uniform and make the room feel larger instead of cutting it off. Just a thought. Can you tell I have been going crazy over things like this too? 🙂

    1. Meredith, I LOVE that ceiling picture! I want that in my forever home, but I am not sure I want to put the effort into this home, I really only plan on being here for another year-ish! But my other issue is that darn texture is all over my WALLS too! Give me a break for goodness sake- I hate the look of it, and patching is a nightmare!

  5. I have stenciled many times on textured walls. We have a knock-down texture which is probably even more textured than your orange peel. My only suggestion is to make sure that your stencil is securely adhered to your wall and (most importantly) make sure your roller or brush is very dry. Remove most of the paint onto paper toweling before going to the wall.

    I like the idea of the stencil over the boards.

  6. I like the one without the stencil. It looks more elegant with out the added stencil. The stencil makes it look too busy. Just my opinion. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I really like stencils but think this one is better with out! It takes away from the top wood treatment.

  8. I think you should not do the stencil. It looks better without it. However, I do like the stencil, just not with the wood up above.

  9. A thought for the old barn wood… My parents own and remodeled and added onto an old pioneer home that was actually featured on “If Walls Could Talk”. They have old barn wood throughout the home and they acquired it by going to a home with an old barn on it and asking if they could have or buy some of the old wood in their field / by the barn. There were plenty of farmers willing to get rid of these “junk piles”. They even got an awesome gate. Good luck!

  10. I love this idea for my master bedroom! Our ceiling are 10 feet tall in there, and it is hard to make sure it look cozy. This might be just the thing! Thank you so much for posting this!

  11. I love the wood idea and the barn doors! I’m a less is more kinda person, so my vote is without the stencil. Less work, right?

    1. Yeah, I am thinking I will go without the stencil…. I should have shown two more options… no wood with a stencil, and no wood/no stencil… I love the wood idea, but I am not sure I wanna do the work.

  12. I vote for no stencil. I like the stencil but not with the wood. I generally like mixing styles but I don’t think the modern stencil with the rustic wood really works. It might in person but no so much on the rendering, maybe too busy, yes, I think that is it, too busy for me, too many lines.

  13. I would say no to the stencil, it almost looks like waves. The wood makes such a statement on its own, the stencil would make it too busy.

  14. I like the stencil, but vote No for it…..I agree with some of the other ladies. I think the stencil would be a little too busy with everything else going on in the room! Thanks for sharing at Homemade By You…I hope to see you next week!