Two Toned Kitchen Makeover

Submitted By: {Shaped By Grace}

If you give a girl a paintbrush, she’ll probably ask for a can of paint. So, she’ll go to Home Depot, where she finds TWO perfect colors. With these colors she’ll decide to paint her kitchen:

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As she’s painting her kitchen, she’ll realize that adding a backsplash would be really nice:

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So, she’ll go back to Home Depot. She finds the perfect backsplash; {Stainless steel look & adhesive! Woot woot!} and while there she sees this…

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{This picture makes me happy!}

…and thinks: How great would a shelf be above the sink!!

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{My FAVORITE part of the kitchen is actually this shelf & baskets!!}

After putting up the shelf, she’ll probably need a nap! She’ll dream of what her kitchen looked like BEFORE she painted:

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  {Chalkboard paint inside the cupboard door!}
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{Kitchen Conversions Chart}

When she wakes up, she’ll be hungry! So she’ll go into her new kitchen to get a snack. She’ll notice that her kitchen rug no longer matches… and she’ll go to the store to buy a new one… While there, she’ll probably see a few other things she needs…

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When she returns from the store, she’ll sit on her couch, stare dreamily and smile across at her new kitchen!! <3 {LOVE!}

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She’ll notice the red pillows on the couch… that totally clash with the kitchen. So she’ll ask to go to IKEA to get new pillows for the living room:

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But be prepared. Because if she does get a new pillow, she’ll probably want a paintbrush, to go with it… 🙂

Thanks so much for looking at my kitchen redo!! It’s my first major project & I’m so excited to share it! I’ll have some “how-tos” and what I learned coming soon!

For now, I’m going to go sleep in my new kitchen share where I bought some of the supplies and décor: PAINT: Alabaster White & Cathedral Stone Grey {Lowes}


BASKETS: Michaels

RUG: Target


Inspired by this kitchen at The Lettered Cottage

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Beautiful Country Charm Kitchen And Dining Room!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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    1. I just read that book to my daughter yesterday and was gonna comment that it sounded like the book. That was one of my fave books when I was little…great kitchen redo..a lil goes a long way!

  1. Wow you didd a great job. Wish me luck I want to do this late spring. What did you wish the cabinets with before you primed them?

    1. Shirley,

      I am not sure what she used, but I know TSP is a great product for cleaning befreo painting… OR if you wanna go green, Murpheys Oil soap does an INCREDIBLE Job cleaning junk and oils off!

  2. LOVE THIS!!! You did a FANTASTIC job!!! Makes me want a house of my own! I mean, my friend who owns the house we’re living in told me I could decorate/redecorate/whatever…but I want to wait and invest all my energy in my own house 🙂 🙂

  3. Your kitchen looks fantastic! And I love the play on “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”!!!! What a fun read.

    I love the look of two toned kitchens. I did the same thing in my kitchen, except I didn’t paint the lower cabinets. I glazed them to bring a richer color out of the wood. (It was a compromise my husband and I came up with so he could keep his oak cabinets and I could get my white kitchen!)

  4. Ok I have read If You Give A Mouse a Cookie a million times, this was an adorable rendition! I totally am thinking about white tops and grey bottoms like yours. I have a question, does the grain of your wood show thru the paint? I am getting started on the project this month or else!

    1. Thank you so much Laura! 🙂 To answer your question – the grain of the wood shows through a little. Probably from about 2-3 feet away and closer. You don’t see the grain generally unless the light hits it a certain way or you’re up close. I used 1 coat of primer, 3 coats of white paint and 1 layer of poly. I know if I used a couple more coats, I probably would have seen even less grain, but I liked a little showing through. The grey shows the grain hardly at all – and I only used two coats! I hope that helps! xo, Reannah

  5. I love this idea. I’m not much of a do it yourselfer…but in an attempt to cut back on expenses I am. This is perfect for a condo remodel.

  6. So, I really want to paint my cabinets, but I have all white appliances. What color can I paint the cabinets. It seams like white is the color right now, but can I pull that off?

  7. I love the colors you choose for your cabinets! We’re about to update our boring, oak kitchen cabinets as well. I’m pretty picky about brush strokes on stuff. Did you brush, roll, spray…? And what kind of paint (from Lowes) did you get? If I’m going to sand first, then prime/paint, would I need to clean the cabinets with said TSP or similar? Thanks for sharing your kitchen!

    1. Definitely clean the cabinets with TSP or some sort of strong de-glosser, clean it then sand, it will help you not to gunk up your sand paper. Not sure which brand of paint the guest poster used, I would talk to the paint desk about what is the best paint to use. To avoid brush strokes, I would use a 4″ foam roller to smooth out the brush strokes.