Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway! YOUR LUCKY DAY!

This Giveaway is Now Closed! Thanks!
Great News.. It is time for a giveaway!  And this one is pretty exciting if you ask me.
I am so excited to be partnering with Shabby Apple to giveaway one of their amazing dresses. If you have not already fallen in love with this website trust me when I say that you will!  I have spent so much time just trying to pick my favorites and believe me it is hard!  I need about 7 or 17 of them to be perfectly happy!
Let me introduce you to Shabby Apple:
They have women’s dresses, casual dresses, skirts and women’s apparel.  For those of you in my state of life they have maternity options, and lets be honest anything that makes you feel great when your body is expanding is a must! They have fashion accessories, all sorts of beautiful jewelry and shoes including these boots that I am drooling over!!   And since it is spring and we have Easter coming up be sure to check out their carry adorable pre-teen and girls dresses.  
How cute and stylish are these vintage inspired women’s dresses from Shabby Apple? I think I’m in love and want them all! 
I am also excited to offer all of you a 10% off coupon to be used on the Shabby Apple website. To redeem this coupon use the code “remodelaholics10off” when checking out.
I’m a little jealous because Shabby Apple is offering 1 of Remodelaholic’s readers your choice of one of these 3 pictured dresses, click on the image to see the site and other views or dress info of the dress.  Which one will you choose?
How to enter: 
2. Click over to the Shabby Apple, then come back here and leave a comment naming something you like in their boutique with the link URL pasted into the comment.
3. Tell me which of one the three dresses you would choose if you won:
Cider, Five to Nine or L’ete.
3. Become a follower, or subscriber of Remodelaholic
5.  Write a shout out post, tweet about or post on your wall about this giveaway, with a link to the giveaway post leave the link url in your comment.
6. Stumble a Remodelaholic post that you like!
You can complete just one, or all of the entries above. Each step you complete will give you one comment/entry in the giveaway. Please leave a separate comment for each entry and include your email address for notification purposes, if it is not linked to your profile.
I will pick the winner on Monday February 14th, 2011 
(unless I am in the hospital, and in that case I will get to it AS SOON AS I CAN!)
p.s. Don’t Forget about the 10% off coupon code, if you just need to get one today: “remodelaholics10off” 
And the most important part to you-all?
The winner
Congratulations Lisa of Stubbornly Crafty!
Lisa, please email me as soon as you get the chance!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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