Room to Rest; Bathroom Remodel; Guest

Kristin from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia revamped her kids bathroom and it is just beautiful!  Check out what she did:


Good morning, afternoon or evening depending upon where you are, the bathroom is finally done! It was mixed emotions getting rid of the ducks but when I was all done with the project it put a big smile on my face! I have finally come to terms that my “baby” will be turning 4 today! Enjoy the tour, a few more tweaks like shelving but I couldn’t keep you in suspense any longer.

Love having the sand in the lanterns, really makes it feel beachy, you can read about my lantern project here


The beadboard is the very first project we attempted in our house 8 years ago, it seems so long ago!


I repainted over the buttery cabinets that I had previously painted. The pulls I had already purchased at Anthropologie a few years ago.

I couldn’t resist when I saw the #3. It’s a great place to store their toothbrushes.

Find out how we transformed our mirrors here
You can read about my sign transformation here
Here is the cost breakdown
Paint $20 (Lowes)
Mirror $24 (Home Depot)
Curtain $4 (Marshalls)
Paddle $12 (Marshalls)
Lanterns $0 (homemade)
Sign $4 (homemade)
Towels $20 (Ross and Marshalls)
Toothbrush Holder $3 (Marshalls)
Towel Holder $6 (Marshalls)
Light Fixture $77 (Lowes)
Lots of shopping of the house free
Here is the transformation, sorry, no picture of it when we first moved in with white walls.


Not my Sophie by my Jack Russel Bailey decided to step in my paint when I took a break! It’s never boring around here that’s for sure 🙂


I think I’ve accomplished the beachy bathroom look and the boys love it! I hope I have shown you that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to have the feel of a whole new room. A little bit of paint, some creativity and elbow grease can do amazing things! Make sure you stop by tomorrow for a special guest!

This is just totally wonderful!  
I love what paint can do!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love Kristin and her Uncommon Slice of Suburbia. The rest of her house looks just as wonderful!

    YAY, Kristin!

    🙂 Laura

  2. >It looks beautiful! Love it! Just be careful with those candles hanging on the hooks by the wall. Makes me nervous. Those jars can get hot! Anyways, I love how the colors make the mood look so calm! Love it!

  3. >Kristin, you did an amazing job on the bathroom! Love the beadboard, the gorgeous blue on the wall…in fact, I love everything! K xx

  4. >I am so impressed with this bathroom. Very inspiring.
    What else I would like to comment on is the photography used – you've been able to capture a lovely cozy feeling.
    Did you use a semi-gloss on the walls? Bathroom grade?
    I'll be back again : )

  5. >Wow! Thanks for the feature, what a wonderful suprise when I woke up this morning, you made my day! 🙂
    The paint is semi gloss and bathroom grade for mold. Don't worry Jessica the fire was only on for the pictures and the lantern gets taken down, I don't trust my boys LOL. Thanks for the kind remarks, have a wonderful day!
    Take care