Naughty Pine! Buffet Refinish

This project was sent into me by L-blogger from Tell’er All About It.  It is a wonderful buffet refinish and transformation.  I think it is a great project to showcase because so many times we have a great piece, with solid bones but some parts of it are dated, but with a little bit of imagination and some power tools, you can really change the look of anything.   Check it out:
Here’s the other, more dramatic and back-pain inducing makeover tale!
Once upon a time, there was a knotty pine hutch:
The hutch was lovingly built by the Prince’s father in a faraway land known as Ohio. It was handed down from Mother to son on the occasion of his marriage to a fairy tale Princess. On that occasion, it was given a minor facelift into the piece above. But this hutch didn’t quite fit into the fairy tale kingdom and so it was decreed that the hutch would be rebuilt. Thus begins a daring tale of design, paint, and a lot of know-how to bring this hutch from Colonial revival, to modern updated chic.
(Back to the modern day)
The first painful step was to remove the drawer fronts and the doors as they were all going to be changed. The curvy Colonial style of the doors just didn’t really jive with our style and so we decided to again take some influence from our favorite store, “Ballard-Barn”, and try to mimic their beautiful pieces, a la:
PBarn hutch
pbarn hutch 2
Images courtesy of
We took note of the overall “square-ness” of design and lack of curvaceous details. While they are both definitely more contemporary, the pieces are not austere or untraditional, which we loved. Once the doors were removed, we removed the “baseboard” of the piece that was very much in the Colonial style:
…and we replaced it with some more square pieces of pine, which we sanded down to give it a more “weathered” look.
Then while I, the fairytale princess, was sanding away at the piece and priming, the prince was off building new drawer and door fronts. But before we finished it, we had to take the occasion to ham it up for the camera:
DSC_0010Where to?
In the end, the Prince finished off the doors in a fashion that was largely incomprehensible to the Princess – let’s just say it involved tools that I can’t recall the names of, but it ended with us inserting some faux panels on the backs of the doors and then sanding everything, priming, painting, polyurethaning, and then re-hanging the doors back where they belonged.
Nailing the backers onto the doors
Nailing the backers onto the doors
After the doors were hung, drilling the holes for the hardware
After the doors were hung, drilling the holes for the hardware

So after a whirlwind weekend of surgery to a hutch, we managed to finally move it back into the house last night and finish off all of the last touches to this formerly oppressive piece of furniture into a lighter, brighter, and airier piece that serves as a much-needed storage unit in our home. The big reveal:

…and all of that for the cost of lumber, a gallon of paint, and time lost on the weekend. If you figure a similar piece from “Ballard-Barn” would run us anywhere from $1400-$3000 and we got ours largely for free + $100 for supplies, then that’s a bargain in my book!
And a bargain in mine! 
I love the way this buffet refinish turned out, 
don’t you guys love the new look?
Thanks for sharing with us!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. >It turned out great! Not even recognizable from the "before" picture. And it helps to have such a handy prince!

  2. >Now that is what I call a make-over. Great job and I am impressed that you and your husband can work together and still be in the mood to ham it up.