Peanut Butter Rolo Cookies Recipe

I don’t’ know why I feel like I’ve been so crazy busy lately… but I just haven’t had a chance to sit down and blog for a few days…I would feel better about it, if my couch wasn’t stacked with about 5 loads of laundry (to be folded) and the rest of my house looked decent, but alas, everything is all sorta messy, but I have managed to eat healthy today, so at least I’ve accomplished one of my goals!


However, if you are trying to eat healthy I would advise that you to NOT try this recipe, it is hard, nigh impossible to eat just 5 (let alone 1), and I am not exaggerating, they are THAT GOOD.  Anyway, in honor of busy little me, I thought today would be a good time to resurrect one of my absolute FAVORITE cookie recipes of ALL TIME!  (I originally posted about this back in 2010)


The Peanut Butter Rolo Cookie!  I know I just combined about 3 of the things that all humans should thank heaven for – peanut butter, chocolate and caramel….  It is like the holy grail of all cookies.  These pictures aren’t the best, at showing off the actual rolo, but I promise you they are worth it.


peanut butter rolo cookies copy

An interesting thing about these cookies- they are best when completely cool.  I am all about fresh, hot cookies usually, but these cookies are the exception.  When they cool the, caramel gets back to it chewy self and the yumminess factor is quadrupled.


(oh and if you just want a good Peanut Putter cookie, ex-nay on the rolo-ay, these are great too.  But, in that case, eat them hot… and I would probably use crunchy peanut butter!)

Peanut Butter Rolo Cookies

Makes a lot….  (sorry I don’t have an exact number probably about 48, I usually use a bag of Rolos)


In a mixer or with beaters, cream together:

1 c granulated sugar

1 c brown sugar

1 c shortening (I am sure you could use butter)

1 c peanut butter


2 eggs

4 Tbsp Evaporated milk (*see note at bottom)


3 cups flour (I did half white and half wheat, you can’t tell)

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 bag Rolos

Bake 350 for 12 to 15 minutes.

* I didn’t want to open a can of evaporated milk just for this (and end up wasting the rest), so I added powdered milk to regular milk.  According to my little internet search Evaporated milk is 60% more condensed, so by adding the powdered milk to regular milk it made it more condensed, and worked as a fine substitute.

When your dough is all prepared, you will want a medium size cookie scoop to make it easier.  If you don’t have one, roll the cookies into balls, press the Rolos in the bottom and cover the bottom of the Rolo with cookie dough.

Instructions for adding Rolos

1. Scoop

2. Press Rolo into center

3. Push edges of dough over Rolo

4. Remove excess dough

5. Place on sheet bake

6. After baked, press down to spread Rolo out through the inside

7. Remove onto wire rack and allow to cool




peanut butter rolo cookies2 copy

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Oh, my! Looks so tasty 🙂 I know what you mean about loving fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies so I’m glad you gave us the heads up to wait until they are cool. By the way, so many of my favorite bloggers have been absent from blogging. It’s been hard to get into a blogging routine lately.

  2. Those look so crunchy and scumptious! i’m trying to be good and not eat any cookies this week, but I don’t think I am going to make it. Ha!