Need Help Meal Planning? Giveaway

This Giveaway is now Closed!

Okay, so I am really excited about the giveaway today.  Mostly because it is something I actually use almost daily myself.  I don’t know about you but I sorta hate planning my menus every week, and I really don’t have the free time.   

I love to cook (and I hope you join me for our Wednesday recipe link up parties), it is also the best thing to do for my budget, but I often run out of time and end up blowing my budget on food that is not all that great for me, and makes me feel bad, as a mother and just sluggish after I eat it!


So, today I am happy to introduce you to E-meals. I actually found them through my pinterest page, and signed up a few weeks ago. It has helped a lot with my budget and having a good family meal together every night.

First a little bit about E-mealz:

E-mealz is a weekly menu planning service. The E-Mealz program provides a consistent and reliable approach to food budgeting by factoring the weekly cost of ingredients into each menu plan. Menus are created around a budget of $75 per week for families and $35 per week for couples.

E-Mealz relies on a team of experienced meal planners, writers and editors to create new dinner menus every week that are designed around grocery store sales, seasonal specials and diet preferences. For $5.00 per month, subscribers download a recipe plan for the week with a matching aisle-by-aisle grocery list. The easy-to-follow recipes usually contain fewer than seven ingredients to allow for prep times of less than 30 minutes. It also helps families stay within a predictable budget by being prepared with a detailed list to use at the grocery store.

Their goal is to provide
• Delicious family friendly recipes
• Ingredients bought on special and/or at the best price available
• An easy and stress free home-cooked dinner
• Precious moments with the most special people in your life

The best news? It is only $15 dollars for a 3 month subscription.
Or you can try to win one free today…that is there will be 3 of you that could win…

There will be 3 winners for this giveaway.


Two  6 month subscriptions
and one 3 month subscription
To enter
Leave a separate comment for each entry on the blog:
 (tell me you did in a comment left here on this post… you can vote everyday, 
and have a new entry for each time you vote, just be sure to leave another comment)
Optional Additional Entries:
1. Add Remodelaholic to your blog reading list.
2. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.
3. Check out E-meal blog and like a page
Giveaway is open until 9/12/11
Winner will be announced shortly thereafter!
Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!
For those that want to sign up please be sure to use the discount code REMODELAHOLIC for 10% off.

Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin. Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME! We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!). We are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, (check out house 1 and house 2 as well, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way. We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what going on in our family life.


Hey we had a giveaway last week for a great menu planning service that I myself use and LOVE,
called E-mealz!

I have three winners, the first winner will receive a six month subscription to the e-meals menu of their choice:

Congratulations Jessica!
Winner numero dos will also receive a 6 month subscription of the plan of their choice.
Congratulation Kim!
 And last but not least the third winner will receive a 3 month subscription to the plan of their choice:
Congratulations Robin!
Send me a quick email and I will get the details to you lucky three!

If you didn’t win, don’t fret, it is REALLY worth trying out for yourself, and you will probably save $15.00 (the price of a 3 month subscription) in your first week.  Not to mention that you will also be giving your family a great excuse to sit together, talk and reconnect over a nice hot meal!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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