Search Results for: label/Recipes

Painted Bathroom Sink and Countertop Makeover
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Painted Bathroom Sink and Countertop Makeover

There are a lot of great products out there, as you wander the aisles of the hardware store. But how do you know if they will do what they claim they will do? I’m always glad to find someone who has tried it and can say what worked and what didn’t. Plus — a painted…

Paper Plate Skeleton; Kids Craft!
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Paper Plate Skeleton; Kids Craft!

Well, I am sorta  late with this post… I have been trying to carve out (notice the Halloween pun, huh?- Good one!) the time to make this for weeks, but it just hasn’t happened until tonight.  I got the idea from my friend Michellelast year who has made these since she was a kid.  And she was nice…

The GOOD MOOD(board) Master Bedroom Edition…
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The GOOD MOOD(board) Master Bedroom Edition…

Well, I am hoping this blog hop all works out.  I know that we have all been very busy… and this is our first time trying this out, so bear with us…  But I am excited to try. So truth be told, I am still really trying to figure out my own personal style.  I think that…