Moroccan Chic: Moroccan style with a modern twist

Hi everyone! I’m Sarah from Just The Bees Knees, one of two Mood Board contributors here at Remodelaholic, and I’m back again to share another inspiring mood board this month. If you’ve read my other posts before, great!! So glad you stuck around!  If not, I’d love for you to check out a couple of my past mood boards. Last month I talked about bringing the resort into your own backyard with a little cabana style, and previous to that I gave some great tips on creating your own Mom Cave.

Today I’m talking about how to incorporate one of the hottest global trends into your home; Moroccan style. But with a twist of course. If you know my decorating style at all, you will have noticed that I like to mix certain decor styles with more contemporary, clean lines. Here I mixed some traditional moroccan pieces with more sleek, modern furniture to give you what I like to call, Moroccan Chic.

Moroccan Chic style on

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Before I divulge into my tips for creating this look, lets take a look at some of the Moroccan style interiors that inspire me.

Moroccan Style Lounge

In this almost all white room , these stunning Moroccan floor tiles add pattern and drama. OH how I would love to snuggle up with a good book here!

Moroccan style bedroom

The architectural details in this space lend a moroccan feel to the space, as do the fringed blanket and iron work on the windows.

Moroccan style living area

Here a traditional Moroccan table and lamp pair well with the modern settee and white walls.

moroccan nook

This nook is made even more cozy with low seating, floor pillows and lots of pattern.

Moroccan style

Rugs and blankets are also used as wall decoration.

Sources: 1/2/3/4/5

Adding a little Moroccan Chic to your decor is relatively easy and can work with what you already have! Here’s a few tips to get you started:

Tips On How to Add Moroccan Style to Your Decor

Don’t choose matching pieces.  Moroccan decor is exactly the opposite of matching. It’s a more curated look with lots of pattern and texture , a mix of painted and stained furniture, and bold colors. Try swapping out your coffee table or end tables for ones with a more moroccan feel.

Blankets and Rugs are a must! Moroccan floors always make a statement, so add a colorful Kilim rug to add texture and pattern. Moroccan wedding blankets are really popular right now and add tons of softness & texture too. Rugs and blankets are also used as wall hangings in Morocco, and most are so beautiful they can easily double as art!

Get bold with color. Whether you choose a little or a lot, bold colors set Moroccan interiors apart. Pair with white walls for a chic look.

Mix your metals.  Gold, iron, silver…find them all in Moroccan inspired interiors! A gold mirror or a few shiny accessories add some glam to your space.

Get Cozy. Moroccan style is very relaxed, so add some floor pillows, poufs or even a pair of flowing fringed curtains for some softness.

Incorporate with more contemporary pieces.  To keep your space looking more Chic than Bohemian, incorporate your Moroccan pieces with more modern or contemporary pieces. The two pair really nicely together.

Moroccon Chic from Just The Bees Knees for #moodboard #moroccan #design #decor

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I hope I inspired you to incorporate some Moroccan Chic into your home! For more tips and tricks on mixing styles in your home, check out this post, and read all about my love of poufs here. And since I love visitors, I’d love for you to pop on over to my blog , take a look around and say hi!

Thanks again to Cassity and the Remodelaholic team for having me today! It’s always so much fun!

xo Sarah


Try Moroccan style on with one of these DIY projects:

Moroccan-inspired stenciled rug tutorial

moroccan style rug

Moroccan hexagon side table building plansmoroccan style side table

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  1. Great stuff Sarah! I’ve been thinking of changing up my living room and Morocca style, might be exactly what I need to do.