Large DIY Metal and Pegboard Command Center

Hello Remodelaholic Readers!  This is Mindi at MyLove2Create, where I blog about DIY, thrifty, and repurposed projects.  I am thrilled to be contributing here, and happy to share my Large DIY Command Center.

Ready to get organized? Make this DIY command center with a magnet board and pegboard for easy family organization!

I am loving it!  It might be because I love being organized, and one of the best ways for me to accomplish that is to have a system.  For instance I just created a Cubby Storage Rack for my hall closet which is keeping my kids hats and gloves organized perfectly (and it is keeping me sane!) Now this command center is going to help me as well.

I originally made this project with corrugated metal, because I love the look of it, and planned to use it in multiple ways.  As a metallic picture gallery frame, a command center, or to display my kids art work.  While I loved how it turned out, I decided to make it into a more effective command center.  So, now you know why you will be seeing the corrugated metal in my tutorial…

Don’t you just love the flexibility of DIY, you can change it up anyway you want!

How to Build a Large Metal and Pegboard Command Center

 cutting 2x2 at 45 degrees to make frame

I started with building my frame using 2×2 furring strips from Home Depot.  They are inexpensive and look rustic, but beware it takes a while to find some good straight ones.  I cut them to the size I needed using a 45 degree angle cut.

making sure 2x2 frame will fit around the metal

I used my corrugated metal as a guide for how long to cut my frame pieces.  The arrows show how they match up at the end of the metal.  I cut all four pieces of 2×2 this way to complete a rectangle frame.

cutting 1x2 frame piece at 45 degrees

In order to give the frame depth, I also used 1×2 furring strips for an inner frame piece.  It also gives the frame a place for the metal to be attached in the back, which you will see in a minute.

Tip: When cutting, clamp your board to prevent sliding, it will give you a nice straight cut so your ends match up perfectly!

measuring for inside 1x2 end trim piece

Since I do a lot of building without plans I measure and cut as I go.  Here I am measuring for the 1×2 side pieces.

 making sure corner cuts fit for building frame to hold pegboard and sheet metal

And a quick dry fit to see if the frame is going to work….Sa-weet!

clamp, glue, and nail the frame together

Once all the pieces for the frame were cut and sanded, it was time to build, my favorite part!  I gave the ends of the frame a good amount of Gorilla Wood Glue and clamped them down.  Then I simply nailed 3 to 4 two inch finish nails into each side.  I also like to use a speed square (the yellow triangle thing) to keep my frame…well, square. 🙂

gluing and nailing on inside frame 1x2 trim

For attaching the inner 1×2 boards I used 5 gallon paint sticks to support them for proper placement.  I stacked two paint sticks on top of each other next to the 2×2 frame and put glue on my 1×2.  Then I placed the 1×2 on top of the paint sticks and nailed it into the 2×2 frame.  It gave me that perfect 1/4 inch inset in the front of the frame and the larger one in the back.

inside frame trim short side

Here is a shot of me adding the end pieces.  Also I wanted to point out that I nailed from the inside and the outside to secure the 1×2’s (above right photo).

cutting multiple paint sticks at a time

I wanted some wood magnets for holding the pictures, bills, art work, etc… So I used the same 5 gallon paint sticks (they are free at Home Depot if you ask with a big smile at the paint counter).  I needed several for my photos but did not want to cut several.

Look how easy it is to cut multiples with a little help from painters tape!  Make a stack of paint sticks and tape around them with painters tape.  Measure and cut your first set, use it to mark the next, and in 4 cuts you are done!  I stained them with Rustoleum’s Kona and attached magnets to the back with hot glue.

placing corrugated metal inside wood frame

I stained the frame as well and sealed it with a couple of coats of poly, sanding after the first coat.  In the photo I am placing my corrugated metal in my frame.

pre drill and screw corrugated metal into frame

I pre drilled and used sheet metal screws to attach it to the back.  You can see how it sits in perfectly inside the frame.

magnetic wood strips on a corrugated metal photo display

Here is a peek of how the pictures attached to the corrugated metal with the wood magnets I made.

front view corrugated metal metallic frame

It could be a huge family gallery frame!  Perfect over a couch or in a hall way.

Corrugated Metal Framed Photo Board

Or why not stand it up and make it a useful photo back drop?  I love switching things up and this frame is perfect for that.  But ultimately I went for the command center, so off came the corrugated metal…

removing corrugated metal from frame

Which took me only a couple of minutes to unscrew from the frame.  It was really easy.  I then went to my shed and found some scrap 1/4 inch plywood and some pegboard.  I cut them to fit in the frame and brought them in to test them out.

testing to see if panels fit in frame

Perfect!  Now I still had all those wood magnets that I needed to use so I ran to Home Depot and picked up some sheet metal.  I always bring a magnet to test the metal and make sure it is magnetic.

measuring and cutting metal

I put the wood panels on the metal and traced where I needed to cut.  Then I cut it out with my tin snips.

painting pegboard and metal with chalkboard paint

Since I Love Chalkboards, I decided to paint the pegboard and one of the metal pieces with chalkboard paint.  I did three coats on each.  The first coat on the metal looks horrible, (above right) but looks great after the three coats. 🙂

screwing panels into frame

Once my paint dried I added the three panels to the frame using the same sheet metal screws.

adding stained lath strip to divide panels

To cover up my seams in the front I ran out and grabbed some lath (super cheap too) and cut it, stained it, and hot glued it on.

priming chalkboard

Oh, and don’t forget to prime your chalkboards after you paint!  All you do is rub chalk all over it, then rub it off.

Large Framed Metallic command center

That is it.  Now customize it and let it help you stay organized!  The fun thing about this is you can make your frame as big or small as you want.  Don’t want a metal look?  Add cork board…

 hanging file on pegboard

The chalkboard pegboard panel is very useful!  I had this file thing (not sure what it is called) and I just had to hook it on!  Now I have cards in seconds and my kids will always know where the elementary school directory is.

So smart! A chalkboard pegboard command center. Versatile and easy for organizing the family!

Some dollar section tins from Target make a cute solution for holding markers, chalk, and…treats.  Ha ha, my kids loved this one!

metallic chalkboard

The magnetic chalkboard has loads of uses.  Not only for calendars, but menu planning, lists, notes, or fun artwork.  I threw on a magnetic note pad for my grocery list.

featured image Magnetic command Center

For the metallic middle section I am displaying kids artwork and important bills or things I need to see to remember.  My wood magnets got a little flare with some washi tape, which is super easy to take off or change out.

wood and washi tape magnets

I used these magnets as a decorative strip for my calendar, just for fun. 🙂

looking inside the dollar tins

Now I never need to look for scissors again…this one has me excited.  Can you imagine how useful this command center would be in a craft room?  Or a homeschool room?  So many possibilities.

Metallic Command Center Front view

With D-Rings attached to the back it is easy to hang this on the wall.  It will be going in my hallway.  Since my hall gets hardly any natural light, I opted to take these photos outside…but you get the idea!

Large DIY Command Center Tutorial
Thanks so much for reading and I hope I have inspired you to get organized by creating your own Command Center!

More family organization command centers:

Junk Market Style - old window into command center - via Remodelaholic
old window into command center by Junk Market Style


giant framed bulletin board
giant framed bulletin board by That’s My Letter
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I have a great love to DIY, repurpose, and create! I am constantly seeking to make things more useful, effective, and beautiful in my home one project at a time. My projects are done in tutorial form so I can inspire others to create too!
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  1. Mindi,

    I love your giant command center! Using the chalkboard paint on the peg board that holds all those neat accessories is brilliant! I too, take a magnet with me to Home Depot for the same reason. I want to make sure the surface is magnetic. 🙂
    congrats on the new gig here on Remodelaholic! so happy for you.

    1. Thank you so so much Gail! You know I love chalkboards 🙂 I am glad to know you take a magnet to the store too, it is no fun to get home and find out your metal isn’t magnetic! ha ha!