Kitchen Before and After Winner!

black kitchen cabinets reveal


This summer my friend Ethan from One Project Closer asked me to help host and judge in their summer-long Before & After series, to benefit Habitat for Humanity.  And I am so happy to participate.  I will admit, I am a little late getting this up with everything that is going on in our lives, but I hope it is better late than never.




Anyway the gist is that you add your links or submit your projects and you win a $50 dollar gift card to either Home Depot, Lowes or Amazon and they donate a $100 dollar gift card to Habitat for Humanity… which is a fun win/win contest.  There is still time to add your link so if you are interested in sharing your before and after project please go here.


Okay so who did I pick to win?


It wasn’t easy…but I am a sucker for a great kitchen remodel, so I thought I would show you this beautiful kitchen from:

 Everything Has a Place!

She waited three years for this kitchen remodel… and it went from this:


To this:

Command central on the side of the fridge…

The backsplash, my worst nightmare 🙁

I’d rather tile the floor twice than do a backsplash…

Oh yea, if you have dark cabinets, this is a must.

They show almost everything, but this little buddy makes everything good again.

Glass cabinet for a little glam.

The boob light is getting replaced but I can’t find anything that I like, I am contemplating a track light system, but I cant make up my mind…

Crown molding…

I love this base of cabinet molding, such a great finished look…

and lastly the biggest sink anyone has ever seen, I love it, it fits every dish in my house!!

Congratulations Alyssa!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Hi there I just love these dark cabinets with your countertops. Can you share the color of the cabinets and what your countertops are and the color? Thanks

    1. Hey Tanya,

      This was a guest post so I can’t tell ya, but if you click on the link Everything has a Place, it will get you to the author’s blog and I am sure they would love to answer your question! Good luck!

  2. Hi, in my case what I love the most is the sink, is fantastic. The sink in the picture is not only big and practical, but all the colors are armonic, the faucets and the sink looks almos the same color, and the granite is beautiful! Could you tell me were can I order or buy it?
    Thank you for sharing the post!!!