That’s Pinteresting, Kitchens

I’ve been thinking about kitchen design ideas… we are getting closer to deciding what the actual kitchen design is going to look like.  We have had a tentative plan, for the kitchen.  I drew up the elevations, but I already feel like I want to make some changes.  It is okay because we have some wall framing to do before we get to the final design, and we aren’t ordering a kitchen, we are going to make it all from scratch, so we have the ability to do whatever we want. (or so that is the plan).


We’ve been without a kitchen for 3 months, so an extra month won’t really kill us, we’ve sort of worked out the kinks of the camping kitchen…. (I will have to share some tips for surviving in a little while)


Okay for now here is some eye candy for the weekend…


open kitchen shelving

What I love about this kitchen image, is the open shelves.  Not exactly a big surprise, they are very popular right now, but our space feels rather small, so I think having the open shelving will help keep the space feeling open.   I found this image via Pinterest and have on my kitchen board, it was feature on this site.


open shelving bright dishes

This kitchen is lovely!  How beautiful are those dishes, and I LOVE dishes, I have a bit of a fetish, I would love to display them this way.  I also love the greyish tone of the cabinets.  I am leaning toward grey cabinets…. (you’ll see a few more that I love in just a second!)… and do you see the vacuum system underneath?  ( I think that is what it is… that will be in my dream house someday!)   This kitchen is from the blog Life in Grace, the whole house is seriously amazing.


industrial kitchen open shelving


I love every single minuscule detail about this kitchen.  The industrial style stools, the v-groove walls, the open shelving, the farm table like island with a wood top, Carrera marble counters, industrial oven, black window mullions, inset kitchen doors… EVERY single detail (only thing missing are grey lower cabinets!)  This kitchen was featured on Country Living.


herringbone tile flooring

Oh my goodness, this flooring is amazing.  We are going to be doing a vinyl wood plank flooring, that I am stinking excited about (more to come on the flooring, in the next few weeks I hope!)  BUT I cannot keep this amazing herringbone pattern out of my head.  You better believe you are going to be seeing this somewhere in my kitchen… and I have a REALLY exciting idea about how I plan to incorporate it.  Found this on my friend’s blog Design Dump.


Grey kitchen open uppers

This is another one of those kitchens that I like everything about, the grey cabinets are a little blue for my plan, but I LOVE the way this kitchen is set up.  Mostly no upper cabinets, except a built in hutch = LOVE.  Not sure of the original source!  Sorry about that!


Fun Kitcehn bowl display

Um, back to my dish fetish… obviously I LOVE this.  I LOVE the splash of colors it adds to the space.  Can’t find the original source on this one either- sorry!


two toned grey and white kitchen

WOW, this two toned kitchen is exactly what I am wishing for!  It is lovely!  I love the handles for the doors.  And I love how the fridge is built into a floor to ceiling wall of cabinets…  that is going to be part of my plan.  From the Marion House Book.


Rustic grey and modern kitchen bar

This is one of those love it all moments.  My original plan had a bar like this, but due to space constraints, we have opted for a different path.  But I still love the grey and white and the rustic wood beam is the cherry on top!  All of this looks amazing to me!  Missing original source let me know if you know it.


open shelves with baskets kitchen

This kitchen is really simple, but I love the baskets on shelves look.  I have always wanted it, but of course I have kids… so this may not be something that can actually happen, but a girl can dream right?   This was featured on Canadian House and Home.


great cabinets open uppers

I like this kitchen because of the grey, but I also love the darker counters, which may be more what we are actaully going to get.  I am not a lover of the wood mixed in, it feels like a different color family to me, so it’s not my style, but the open shelving concept and that amazing range top is!  Found here.


no upper cabinets kitchen

This kitchen feels really similar to the actual size that we have to work with… I like the open upper shelving and the lighting is really interesting.


efficiatn storage for kitchens

The storage in this tiny kitchen is amazing, I would really like my kitchen to be this well planned!  from The Kitchn


hidden microwave in pantry space

I love how this microwave is hidden in the cabinet.  I know that I don’t want to see my cabinet, so I will be considering something similar.  This is from BHG.


Okay, what are your favorite kitchen design idea of the bunch?

Let me know, and I would love it if you came and checked out my page on Pinterest!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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