Sleep Wellness Seminar!

*Update, May 2015: We still love our bed! And Intellibed is doing an amazing special this month only: get a free Sleep Genius kit with any Intellibed purchase! And that’s on top of the 10% off you get when you use the code REMODELAHOLIC. More info on the Sleep Genius technology (which is so cool!) at the bottom of the post. 

Justin and I have almost been married now for 12 years and we’ve had the same mattress for all the time.   At first it was great but the last couple years, and especially recently I have been having really severe back pain.  So I am a stomach sleeper, and our old bed now had body impressions, and wasn’t supporting my back at all.  So we needed to get a new mattress, but I will admit, I feel like the investment is big, but my knowledge on the subject was really limited.

So we went to a local mattress store and tried out a few, the thing is I think that all mattresses feel pretty nice the first few times you lay down on them, but I needed something that really supported my back and helped me to wake up without pain.  So then, my friend Brooke, told me about her new mattress and she was raving about it.  Apparently they had tried out 4-5 different mattresses.  So I thought I would go and give it a try.

I ran over to Intellibed’s  local store and they had me lay down and test out a few mattresses, with a pressure sensor test to see where the different mattresses were causing me pain.  It was REALLY interesting (at least to me, and I hope maybe to you).  So I try really hard to sleep on my side, since it helps relieve some of my back pain, but I have a really hard time, I toss and turn, and after the pressure test now I know why.

tips for buying a new mattress

On two of the other leading competitor beds I had HUGE pressure points in my hips and shoulders that was causing my blood to not be able to flow.  (these pressure points are the reason some patient in hospitals get bedsores if they don’t move, blood can’t reach that area, and it begins to cause big problems…)  Well for me these pressure points keep me from getting comfortable enough to sleep on my side.

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The one above, on the other leading mattress brands peak pressure was 207, but on the intellibed mattress the peak pressure was 80, and I could really feel the difference in my comfort level laying on my side.  Their (not so) secret is the structure of the top that they have on their mattresses.  It supports but it also buckles  for added comfort.  So like on my waist and side  it supports that portion of my body, my hips and shoulders are able to be cushioned, but not cut off circulation.

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They have several different mattresses for different needs.  So I decided to give one a try, they did their best to match my personal needs with the best mattress to meet those needs, but honestly the first one we tried was not for me.   Justin and I didn’t love it, but the company was AMAZING to work with.  They have a 60 day guarantee!  So, they replaced it with a different model after we had slept on it for a while and we were sure we wanted an different version.  I loved how well they worked with us.

One of the features that I love is the safety of the materials of the mattress.  There is virtually no VOC offgassing with this mattress like normal foam mattresses.   And considering we spend a third of our lives breathing in the fumes from our mattresses, then this is a worthwhile consideration.

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Some other great informative infographs that they had:buying a new mattress-5 buying a new mattress-6 buying a new mattress-8


I got to chat with the company president!  I know pretty cool!  We created a sleep wellness seminar to help any of you that are shopping for a new mattress to learn about the things you need to look for in a new mattress!

If you are shopping for a new mattress, Please check out Intellibed and if you use my purchase code (REMODELAHOLIC) you can get 10% off your order!  A great deal!

AND, for the month of May (2015), use that code to order and get a free Sleep Genius kit with any Intellibed! Choose from the speaker or headphone kit, whichever works better for your sleeping situation. (To get your free Sleep Genius, just order online or over the phone with my code, and the folks at Intellibed will verify which kit you want.)

And what is Sleep Genius? Sleep Genius is a sound-based sleep aid used nightly to gently train your brain into natural healthy sleep rhythms. Your ears hear soothing music, but your brain hears scientifically developed neurosensory sounds helping you get to sleep faster, sleep deeper and stay asleep longer, so you awake feeling refreshed.  The Sleep Genius system was developed based on research to help NASA astronauts sleep in space — it’s not just white noise or soothing music. Check out the video for more info:

So, when you order, choose from the Sleep Genius Kit (a $295 value) which contains:

Intellibed Sleep Genius

  • High-Fidelity Sleep Genius audio programs onto an iPod Shuffle
  • Portable high quality stereo speaker
  • AC Charger
  • Connection Cable
  • User Guide

or the Sleep Genius SleepPhones set (a $275 value) which contains:

intellibed speaker

  • High-Fidelity Sleep Genius audio programs onto an iPod Shuffle
  • Sleep Phones. Sleep Headband
  • AC Charger
  • User Guide

Just head over onlineto get started with your Intellibed!

intellibed speakerAmazing IntelliBed promo! Free Sleep Genius system to help you sleep better with the purchase of any mattress.

*I am partnering with Intellibed to bring you this post.  All opinions are mine.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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