How to Hang Pegboard for PERFECT Laundry Room Storage

It's easy to hang pegboard for an easy and versatile laundry room storage solution

Hi guys!  I’m Sara, and I am the DIY home décor blogger behind Sincerely, Sara D.  I am excited to be here on Remodelaholic, and I love sharing my projects in hopes of inspiring and showing how anyone can create a beautiful space with little cost!  Some of my more recent posts are DIY Large Wooden Sign and DIY Shiplap Tutorial.

Hang pegboard along one wall for versatile and inexpensive laundry room storage. This tutorial shows you how to hang it to be strong and stable enough to hold even heavier items, like an ironing board.


A few months ago, I shared the tutorial for creating the fabric wall in my laundry room.  Today I’m sharing how to hang pegboard which is great for organizing all those laundry supplies.  It would also be a great solution for a crafter and all the supplies that come with crafting!

Small laundry room? Sara has a nice large laundry room, but pegboard can be used in a smaller laundry room for great added storage too, like The DIY Mommy used in her cute laundry room here. 

How to Hang Pegboard for Laundry Room Storage
by Sincerely, Sara D

This post may contains some affiliate links. Please see our full privacy policy and disclosure here.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Peg Board (4′ x 8′)
  • (6) Furring Strips (1″x 2″ x 8″)
  • Chop Saw (to cut the wood strips to size)
  • Nails
  • Hammer or Nail Gun
  • Screws
  • Electric Screwdriver
  • Primer & Paint
  • Paint Roller

To begin, decide where you want your peg board to go and what size you want it to be.

Peg board typically comes in a 4 feet x 8 feet sheet, and I decided to not make any cuts and keep it the full size.  I found the center of my wall and measured out where my peg board would go.

Measuring for Peg Board Wall

You will want to create a frame for the peg board so it sits off the wall.  In order to easily do this, I took my level and drew the perimeter of the 4’x8′ rectangle.

Drawing outline of pegboard wall

Once I knew where my pegboard was going, I found the studs and tried to strategically place my furring strips over the studs.  This proved to be a little tricky since some of the furring strips were not straight.

Studfinder for Pegboard Wall

I used a nail gun to hang my strips.

Hanging frame for Pegboard

After the frame was up, we added several more furring strips for support since I was going to be hanging some heavier items like my iron and ironing board.

Frame for Peg Board

We went through and drilled holes for the screws.

Drilling holes for pegboard

The majority of the screws were in studs.

Hanging Peg Board

We marked off the studs above the peg board.

Marking the Studs for Peg Board

We then attached the pegboard with screws making sure the majority were in studs.

Adding Screws to Peg Board

I primed and painted the pegboard using Zinsser Primer 123 and finished it with Valspar’s Signature Paint + Primer in Coconut Milk.

Painting Peg Board

Once the paint was dry, I hung my laundry supplies!

Tutorial for haning peg board

If you want to see all the details on where I found the supplies for my pegboard, you can check out this post.

Tutorial for Installing Peg Board

I have plenty of room to add more items if needed.

DIY Peg Board in Laundry Room

DIY Peg Board in Laundry Room

DIY Peg Board Tutorial

Laundry Room Peg Board Tutorial

Thanks so much for allowing me to be with you all today!


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Isn’t pegboard a perfect place to put those *hanging laundry bags (affiliate link) that we loved in this small laundry room makeover:

Laundry Room Makeover with Personalized Hanging Laundry Bags, The Pin Junkie featured on

Get inspired with low-cost TOTAL laundry room transformation:

low cost laundry room transformation, Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body featured on Remodelaholic

And check out more than 100 other beautiful laundry rooms, large and small, here:

100 Laundry Rooms

Website | + posts

Sara Davis is the DIY home décor blogger behind Sincerely, Sara D. Sara believes she was created to create and loves sharing her work in hopes of inspiring others. In her DIY project tutorials, Sara shows that anyone can create a beautiful space with little cost and effort while giving others the confidence to create!

Sara and her husband Steve live in Pendleton, Indiana with their three children, Bryant, Benson and Lena. When not blogging or driving children to and from sports and school events, she teaches classes, consults with home décor clients and encourages others to create.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. I really like this idea but I have a concern with the laundry bags. They are cloth correct? I have used cloth in the past and they always end up ripping. Can you completely fill the bags? Because it seems like if they were, something would break or bend from the weight.

  2. I love the idea of this laundry room pegboard! My husband is concerned about the weight of the clothes in the hampers. How is has it held up for you over the years now? I’d love to switch to the hanging hampers!