Hand Painted Flowers for Little Girls Room

Hand Painted Flowers for Little Girls Room

Prior to buying our current home two years ago, we lived in a modest townhouse that I had purchased on my own (i.e. – pre-Heelamonster in my life). After the Heela moved in, we decorated a few rooms here and there, including both of our daughters nurseries once they came along. Since we didn’t find out our first child’s gender, we had to decorate it in a neutral theme so we  I chose Classic Winnie the Pooh. I did most all of the decorating work by myself since the Heela was traveling alot back then and, if I do say so myself, it came out pretty darn good! (I hope to post more details on that project later, but here is a pic).

Glimpse of SweetPea’s Nursery in Old House
Painting that room had been ALOT of work (granted I was 7 months pregnant at the time) so when we moved into our new house, I just had no desire to re-do that nursery or all that painting despite the fact that SweetPea was still in her crib. Besides, I knew it wouldn’t be too long before she moved into a “big girl bed” and the decor would need to be updated at that time anyway. So we left the room in its natural, move-in state and I simply used the Winnie the Pooh accessories to make it liveable for a little while. Here it is in all its sad,pathetic and very plain glory….
SweetPea’s Nursery in New House

But when it came time to upgrade to a big girl room, I still had no desire (or energy) to paint the whole room. So I racked my brain to try and figure out how I could add someLIFE and COLOR to the room without having to deal with tape and primer and trim and all that [crapola].
Meanwhile, I came across this awesome comforter cover on clearance at Company Kids. I loved all the bright colors (hmmmm…. no wonder I like the colors of THESE costumes so much!) and knew I she just had to have it.
Comforter Cover bought on clearance from Company Kids

I also liked the fact that it wasn’t all ~{Little Girly}~. I figured it would be great if I could find a style that wouldn’t absolutely need to be changed in the next few years (i.e. – Dora, Princesses, Elmo, etc.) when SweetPea was 5 going on 15.
And then it dawned on me
Those flowers look hand painted…

What if I could re-create those comforter flowers…
 on the wall?!?!
YES!!! That’s it!!
A friend of mine had recently painted a Curious George mural on her son’s wall using a basic image found on the internet, projecting that image onto the wall, tracing the image and then painting it in. Easy Peasy!
So, I immediately scanned each of the flowers onto my computer, (splicing multiple scans as necessary) to get .jpg images like this..
I then used a projector (borrowed from work) to project the images onto the wall. Once each image was where I wanted it, I traced the general form with a pencil. (I apologize for not having any pictures of the process – this was pre-blogdom. SO SORRY!). Then I started painting. [I had taken one of the pillowcases up to Lowes and bought the small sample jars of paint (Valspar) in each color of the flowers. I didn’t officially “colormatch” them – just eyeballed using the paint swatches. And since I only needed one sample jar of each color, it really wasn’t that expensive even though I had 6 different colors]. I had to work in layers to create the flowers, so it took pretty much all day to finish it all, but I couldn’t have been more pleased with the results!! And…
{{TA DAAA!}}
Flowers painted on wall to match bedding

I think those flowers came out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself! 🙂

Close Up


Close Up

And here are a few more pics of the updated room.



The vinyl over the bed says “Always Kiss Me Goodnight” (found on clearance at Kohls for $4)
New girly curtains replaced the heavy, formal ones left by the previous owners.


Green Gingham Panels and Hot Pink Sheers all bought on Clearance (Lowes and BB&B)


This is actually a bath rug but it matched perfectly! (bought on sale at Kohls for $6)


A large green tub at the end of the bed holds (way too many!) stuffed animals.

And I had to add a photo of this awesome little table light from Ikea (not seen in original photos above). Originally I had borrowed a normal old lamp from our guest room and put that on SweetPea’s nightstand. But after she burned her fingers on the lightbulb while trying to turn it off one night, I knew I needed something different. I eventually found this little thing at Ikea.
Ikea Table Lamp

It is completely plastic so it won’t shatter if it is knocked over. And the lightbulb is totally enclosed (even on the underside of the shade!) so no burned fingers! It has one of those little switches on the cord which SweetPea loves being able to turn off and on herself. I will admit that it doesn’t give off a whole lot of light, but it is still enough to read by without using the overhead light. Which is this monstrosity…

Impossible to get a good photo of this light.

I’m not really into these chandeliers but they were here when we moved in. If this had been in the master bedroom, I would have taken it down immediately – just not my style – but I figured it could work in a little girl’s room. They each have one. We call them the “sparkle lights” since they make fun designs on the ceiling and the prisms make colorful rainbows on the walls. Not to mention that everyone knows monsters are afraid of “sparkle lights” when they are on the lowest dimmer setting. 😉 

I want to paint the lovely {NOT!} brass skelton of that light, but haven’t gotten around to it. Plus, I really don’t know what color to paint it. Got any ideas? White? Silver? Would love to hear your feedback!

Lastly, on the dresser, is… A green basket I picked up for about $5 on sale at Michaels – it currently holds hair detangler, body lotion, etc.  The “A” was in the Dollar Spot at Michaels. The little bird is from a set my mom gave the girls last summer. The piggie bank is from Target – picked it up during a sale – SweetPea loves to put coins in it.

Needless to say, my daughter absolutely LOVED her new BIG GIRL ROOM!

SweetPea was SO excited about her new room!!

As always, here is the Before and After



So? What do you think?? 🙂
This project was contributed by one of our fabulous readers! We love to share your projects with this great blogging community. So, if you have projects from kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, overhauled and repurposed furniture, spray paint updates you name it please send it in! Thanks for reading Remodelaholic!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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One Comment

  1. I LOVE this idea and the duvet… you have to tell me the name of the print…i have been scouring the internet for this same print!!!!