Striped Half-Moon Table

Nice table upgrade at My House of Giggles, by Tracy.

striped console table

As usual, I’ve been craving a project. With Finn in the Ergo carrier and Toby busy with a cookie from the bakery next door, I was able to peruse my favourite little thrift shop yesterday…
…and this is what I found! I know…doesn’t look like much…..but it’s kind of dainty and in good sturdy shape.
 How could a girl pass it up for $2?
A quick coat of “french grey” (aka….a touch of the black paint left over from my back steps, added to an inch of white semi-gloss in the bottom of a can) , and a white cabana stripe, and she’s a new table! 
(the cabana stripe is really easy to do using green painter’s tape….my stripes aren’t perfect because I just sort of eye-balled them, but you could get meticulous and measure it out) 🙂 Just tape off the stripes you don’t want painted, roll on your stripe colour, and if you’re anything like me, rip off the tape long before the paint is dry because you just simply can’t wait another minute to see your finished product! 🙂
I roughed up the edges with a piece of sand paper, for a more worn-in look. 
 striped console table
I’m still sort of undecided as to where I’m going to put her…but I’m sure she’ll find a perfect home somewhere very soon.
She’s sitting in my newly re-decorated front entry right now, under a little shelf I nabbed for $1 today (and of course, promptly painted white).
Love the stripes!
What do you think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love the stripes…a nice change from the all white (I'm not knocking that!) but I really like the look of this one.

  2. >The table is sooooo! Jane Keltner design style who was so popular in her paint techniques for years with all the charm of cottage decor.

    Love what you did with that great treasured find!!


  3. >Hi, I'm visiting my followers this week-end and you are one of them. I can't get around to everybody anymore like I use too. You might not remember be. I love to remodel and I really love people who do to. In fact I'm looking for a little table like the one you just did. About 6" deep. My son has moved into a studio apartment. I'm going back to look more.

    come visit

  4. >Inspiration! Some friends gave us a half-round end table as a wedding present, and, um, I don't really like it. Wait, did I say "gave"? Because they MADE it, then gave it to us. So you can't really garage sale that! But with stripes…. oooh, I might fall in love with it! Thanks.

  5. What a cute little table! I can’t believe you got it for two dollars. The thrift stores in my area definitely don’t have that cute of items, and they are way more expensive than that. I will really have to try and find a good one. How did you find yours? Are there a lot in your area?