Friday Favorites: House Bed Frame and Paper Bag Vases

House bed frame and paper bag vases and more for Friday Favorites featured on

Hello there! Welcome to another week of Friday Favorites and Remodelaholics Anonymous! We love seeing and sharing great ideas — so send them our way! If you have a blog, you can link up below, and if not, drop us a line here or message us on Facebook.

This week we have some pretty awesome projects! Decorate and makeover all the rooms with these great ideas. Add some fresh flowers to your home with a simple paper bag vase. You could use any old bag or pick a cute color or patterned one. Another great idea is a house bed frame. Oh and there is so much more! Let’s get started!

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Favorite Way to Add Table Space in the Laundry Room: Timeless Creations just completed a laundry room makeover. My favorite part (it all is gorgeous) is the waterfall table. Sometimes you just need a place to fold clothes and this is perfect!

House Bed Frame With Lots Of Cute Elements Featured On

Favorite House Bed: House beds are so cute and they are easy enough to build. This cute room was created by one of our readers Alisha! Build your own house bed with this tutorial.

DIY Scrap Wood Wall Quilt Tribal Art Tutorial 14

Favorite Way to Use Scrap Wood: Abbotts at Home got super creative with their scraps. I never would have guessed these were scrap pieces of wood. These pieces look so intentional and beautiful.

Southwest Style Wingback Chair Makeover Featured On

Favorite Southwest Style Project: Our reader Joan wanted to give an older wingback chair an update. She didn’t want to recover the entire chair, so she used a rug to cover part of it and give it some pop! Learn more about recovering a wingback chair here and here.

The Wood Spa Orange Buffet 1 1

Favorite Orange Piece: I haven’t always been the biggest orange fan,  but The Wood Spa has me love love loving orange. It really transformed this piece into a lovely modern look.

Pb Lined Up At Angle

Favorite Paper Bag Use: Did you know you can use paper bags as vases?!?! My French Twist shares how and they look so cute. Espeically with the metallic colors.

Favorite Way to add Valentine’s Decor: Pillow covers can change up your everyday decor for the holidays. I love all the hearts and love for Valentine’s decor. They are super easy to incorporate into decor in any color.

Favorite Super Hero Room: Whether you like Captain America or not, this is such a cute room. It is super hero with subtle touches rather than being so bright and loud.

Favorite Skinny Beams: Beams are one of my all time favorites. They add such a fun architectural design element. I haven’t seen many skinny ones like these though. They are so fun.


Come share your latest and your greatest home and DIY projects — we love to see and feature YOU! There will be a new party with features and additional Friday Favorites every FRIDAY here on Remodelaholic — can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to! Share up to FIVE of your latest and/or greatest posts — just share different posts each week, please.

Just a few guidelines:

  • In order to be featured, please show some love by sharing, linking back, following, etc (you can grab a button if you’d like).
  • Please link the direct URL of the post: no homepage links, no business links.
  • Always keep your links family friendly. We reserve the right to remove any links for any reason.
  • Be a great party-goer and visit a few of the other links to share the love!

By submitting your link here, you grant Remodelaholic permission to use one photo to feature your post here on our site or on our social media channels, with credit and a link back. 

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I'm Emily and I share my ideas to celebrate and create over at The Benson Street.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. I really enjoy reading your blog. Things like this give inspire me to do projects in my own home especially the small beams.