From Basement Storage Room to Craft Room

From Basement Storage Room to Craft Room by Megan
Hello, Remodelaholics! My name is Megan and I am thrilled to be guest posting on this amazing blog! You can usually find me over at my blog, Polish The Stars. The name comes from a Shel Silverstein poem that is about polishing the dull stars that you already have instead of buying new ones, which is what my blog is all about! I love to create decor and clothing accessories using re-purposed items. My goal is always to make something new and beautiful while spending as little money as possible.
One of my favorite transformations is the basement storage area that my husband and I converted into a craft room. Take a peek!

I started by clearing out the storage mess and organized it all in another area. Then we were left with this ugly shelving unit that the previous owners had built and lots of exposed pipes.

My husband ripped out the shelves and installed ceiling tiles to cover all of the pipes. While he was at it, he put up sheetrock on the left wall and installed tons of outlets for all of my crafting tools. It’s so great to have someone handy around!

There was a little dampness in the right corner so I painted both of the cinder block walls with Drylok Masonry Weatherproofer. It is about $20 a gallon and you just roll it on like regular paint. It is so easy and works wonders!

We added a small cut of carpet to warm up the chilly basement floor and filled it up with all of my crafty stuff.
My favorite part of the room is the 8ft countertop. It had some slight damage on the backsplash so we were able to pick it up for only $25! My husband built a frame for it at a height that was comfortable for me. I love having all of that counter space to spread out my supplies while I am working.

The other wall has three large bookcases to hold my supplies. As you can see, I love using plastic shoe boxes to organize all of the smaller items. Snack size ziploc baggies are another one of my favorite organizing tools. 🙂
So there you have it, in one weekend we were able to transform this 6×9′ space from a grungy storage area into my cozy craft room. I hope you enjoyed it! For even more pictures of the room and organizing details, come stop by my blog. Thank you so much Cassity for having me over!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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