Free Meaningful Art! Your Architectural Portraits Giveaway

This Giveaway Is Closed!

Some of you may have seen the giveaway we did in January of a personalized architectural sketch from Your Architectural Portraits, the place to get custom sketches of your home, favorite place, place of worship, where you got married or vacation spot,  pretty much what ever architectural image you love.

 For those of you who didn’t check it out here.  The winner, Rachel got this sketch of the cathedral she was married in, and I am telling you this place is stunning, we were so excited for her.  

 Please, if you like this at all go check out Your Architectural Portraits

We were thinking it was about time to giveaway another
free 8 x 10 Architectural Portrait to one lucky reader.

Here are some of the examples of quick sketches he has done.

The Daniels and Fisher Tower, Denver CO   —   Tarrant County Courthouse, Fort Worth, TX
Love Joy Plaza, Portland OR
Burnett Plaza, Fort Worth, TX       —       Church Tower, Taxco, Mexico,
The Alamo, San Antonio, TX        —      Streetscape, Taxco, Mexico
LDS Temple Spires, Washington DC
San Jose Mission Tower, San Antonio, TX

A few of you may have noticed Your Architectural Portraits (aka my husband’s) art in these past posts pictures on our living room walls, sketches during vacation and some of our Halloween Decor.


I love them. And I am really excited about sharing with you.  Here is an example of our first home together. We have this up in our front room.   We have a lot of fond memories of this house, and having this sketch is a sweet way to remember where we have been.

A few more examples:


This hardly even scratches the surface of what he can do. 
Now it is your turn to win?
8 x 10 Architectural Portrait!!!! 
The giveaway will be 
open until Monday, April 19th at 11:59 PM 
central standard time.

Giveaway RULES:

Open to anyone in the world.

1. First you must be a Follower of this blog (via Google friend connect), located on my sidebar. This is required to enter in any way(ONE ENTRY)

*** I have had one complaint about asking to be a public follower for a giveaway.  If you contact me and are a  subscriber you may enter.  The google friend connect public follower is a good way to keep me motivated to do all the work required for the  blog, please don’t take this personally that I am asking for this, I am willing to work with you if you contact me.

Ways to enter:
1. Go to Your Architectural Portraits and look around.  Copy the url (web address starts with https://).  Paste it into your comment, so I can see that you stopped by and looked around.  (ONE ENTRY)

Additional Ways to Enter:

2. “Stumble” a tutorial from my blog, or a remodeling post with a thumbs up and a review.  Simply find a tutorial (LINKS ABOVE) you like and click the stumble button at the bottom of that post.  You may have to create a stumble account if you do not have one.  The button,  looks like this:(3 ENTRIES for stumbling a post, not the giveaway! State which Tutorial or Remodel you stumbled in your comment, leave two extra comments that say stumble 2, stumble 3, does that make sense?) 

3. Grab my button for your sidebar or add my blog to your blog reading lists, and put a link to your blog in the comment stating what you did. (ONE ENTRY FOR EACH)

4. Tweet, or Link this giveaway(a shout out on your facebook page counts here too).  You can click the button at the bottom of the post to Link or “tweet this”.  Leave a second comment stating that you tweeted or linked the post, and copy the url of the tweet or link into your comment. (ONE ENTRY FOR EACH)

5. Write a quick post with a link to the giveaway and an image from this post on your personal blog and leave a comment with the link to your blog’s post.  (3 ENTRIES, put a link into the comment, and leave two extra comments)

You may enter/comment up to 12 times, if you follow all the steps, WOW! Once as just a follower, once for checking out Your Architectural Portraits, once for a re-tweet, once for a link, 3 times for a blog post,  once for posting my button, once for adding my link on your blog lists and 3 times for Stumbling. Phew! I think that about covers it.

If you comment more than the allotted amount and do not have the links, those comments will be disqualified. SORRY!! Open to anyone in the world!!

Finally, check back here by Wednesday, April 21st for the winner. If I have your return email address I will reply to you as well, if not, I will be relying on you to get back here!!! If I have not heard back from you within 2 days, I will redraw a winner.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: remodelaholic at gmail dot com.

Thanks!  GOOD LUCK!


Hey y’all, remember the last giveaway from
the awesome Your Architectural Portraits?

Well it’s time to announce the next winner.

 And the winner is…….

Congratulations Erin!!!
Thanks to everyone that entered!  We have a new giveaway coming Monday, be sure to check back!
Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. > Yeah #65 you can do it 🙂 Sorry we missed you guys on this last trip! Sarah

  2. >ha! I just signed up to follow you and didn't know about the giveaway yet! These drawings are absolutely beautiful. I would LOVE to win this so I could have a sketch made for my dad of the house that he built by hand himself almost 40 years ago. It would be a great gift!


  3. >1) I am a follower and happy to be! I love your blog and am so inspired by your creativity!