Cottage Hill Original Oil Painting Giveaway!

This Giveaway Is Closed!

One of my recent blogging friends Lindy from Cottage Hill has been gracious enough to host a giveaway for us!  
This is especially exciting to me because she is giving away an original oil painting!! Uh yeah- I think that is awesome.  She just opened her new etsy store and she is letting you choose which painting you would like to win.
RADDISH Small Practice Painting by Lindy 9x6
Here is a little info about Lindy:
I was the kid who, given the assignment of creating an art project with dried beans, peas and rice,  I chose to make an elephant out of rice, gluing each tiny, itty, bitty, piece of rice on — one at a time.  Yes,  I was a serious artist in the 4th grade.  

I still love to create things.  I love to sew and craft and build…and I love to paint.   

A while back, I committed to painting  “100 small paintings“.  Not one a day (like some very dedicated painters do) but just 100 of these small paintings in all, ever.  This is my kind of approach.  Not too much pressure so I can keep it fun. 

The small paintings are painted with oils and range in size from 6”x 6” to 4”x 10”.  I try to keep the subjects lighthearted and not take myself too serious.  I paint on a variety of surfaces depending on the subject and the level of detail.  

I entered bloggerville a couple of months ago with Cottage Hill.  I’m technically challenged so I felt I’d dodged a nervous breakdown when it was all said and done.  Now I’ve opened an Etsy store (I’m getting the hang of things) and I’ve listed some of the paintings there.   

Hope you enjoy looking around and that you’ll come back again soon…
Wanna see some examples?  I thought so.
SEA SHELL Small Practice Painting by Lindy 6x9
FRESH CUT LEMONS Small Practice Painting by Lindy  6x6
SLICED GREEN APPLE Small Practice Painting by Lindy 5x7
   CHAISE LOUNGE Small Practice Painting by Lindy 6x9
TWO and ONE HALF FIGS Small Practice Painting by Lindy 6x9
Cottage Hill Original Oil Painting Giveaway
To enter:
Open to continental US residents only, thanks
6 ways to enter, the first is required to enter
the next 5 are optional for extra entries, but only count if you do the first!
Leave a comment for each separate entry please!
1.  Please stop by Cottage Hill and tell us which painting you would choose if you won.
2.  Become a follower or subscriber of Remodelaholic, 
leave another comment stating that you follow or subscribe.
3. Write a post, Tweet or Facebook a link to this giveaway.  
Copy the URL of the post Tweet or Facebook and paste it into the comment.
4. If you become a follower of Lindy’s blog Cottage Hill you get one extra entry,
 leave a comment saying you are a new fan of Lisa’s 
5. Stumble a tutorial from Remodelaholic’s archives and tell me which one you stumbled.
please leave 2 comments – 2 entries!!
6. One freebie for the love of art and painting! 
This giveaway is open until 
Tuesday, October 12th 9:00 AM CST.
The winner will be announced soon thereafter. 
Well it is about time I announced a winner!
Who made comment number 90?
That is Dolly of From my Cherry Heart
Please send me a quick email when you get the chance Dolly!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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