Smells Like Fall Giveaway!

Maybe I am a bit of a sap, but when it comes to Fall–I am IN LOVE!   It is my favorite season!  Really and truly, I get all sentimental and excited for bonfires and clam bakes… (and NO, I have never lived anywhere near a clam bake… that one comes from watching Carousel when I was a kid!) wearing sweaters, cuddling, playing mud volleyball (I did that in high school, so FUN!), back to school time, cute nubby striped tights, hot, warm-your-soul dinners… these are some of the things I think about when I think of Fall.   Strange, but somehow they all seem to be connected in my mind and basically all together they mean FALL!

Now, as a mother, I will admit, I am SO excited about the opportunity that I have to create an atmosphere of fall for my girls, in our home.   And I want my girls to relish the season change as much as I do!

Fall Elaves Perfect5

In high school, I read a book that I still love today, called Shelter for the Spirit by Victoria Moran.  And she talked about making your home a place to truly envelope and enrich your family.   I am not as good at making random days a holiday, but I hope to get better at it!

So enough with the rambling, what does all this have to do with the blog?  Well I thought It would be fun to have a giveaway and write about how to embrace seasonal changes in your home.

Fall Elaves Perfect4

I want to create something like a sensory mood board for fall, today, and think about all the possibilities there are for smelling, tasting, touching, hearing, and seeing the autumn season.  Maybe it feels a bit like a school assignment… and I guess it is a bit of “homework” I’ve assigned myself so that I can think about the many little ways I can celebrate the autumn season in our house.

Celebrating with Fall Season Ideas

One of the most telling things for fall in my home are the wonderful fall scents that include, pumpkin pie, mulled cider, freshly baked cookies well and any other dessert you can think of especially spice cake, which is heavenly!

Blue Eyed Bakers


Two Peas and Their Pod


No surprise that my favorite autumn scents come from some of my favorite foods!  There’s just something about the tastes of fall, isn’t there?  Some foods just taste soooo much better when there’s a chill in the air.  I’m thinking of comfort foods like hot soups, fresh donuts, warm bread straight from the oven with butter melting on top, pot pies, and sweet, gooey caramel apples.

Just Another Day in Paradise

Closet Cooking

Blue Eyed Bakers

The Diva Dish

The Runaway Spoon

The Ardent Sparrow

Remember what it was like as a kid to come inside from jumping in the leaves, and feel the rush of warm air as you opened the door?  I know one of the reasons I crave fall so much is because it’s not so cold that I can’t enjoy being outside, but I can definitely enjoy having a cozy blanket or sweater wrapped around me.  I love to snuggle into a quilt and put my cold fingers around a mug of hot chocolate.  Warm things are so textural.

The Sweetest Occasion

Country Home

April and May

She Knows

Tiny White Daisies

Like I said, bonfires are a part of what I love about fall.  I enjoy feeling the heat from a fire when I’m cold, but I also really like to listen to the flames crackle and the logs shift in the blaze.  Those are two of the sounds of fall, for me.  Others are the happy sound of leaves crunching underneath my feet, the wind whistling from the north, squirrels chattering, and the hopeful voices of trick-or-treaters.

 From Me to You

Etsy Shop Majali

Etsy Shop Claudia Marie

KD Portraits

Finally, it’s the things I see around me during the fall months that really take my breath away.  Pumpkins in all shapes and sizes, flickering candlelight, frost patterns on windowpanes, chrysanthemums the bloom when other flowers are fading, and best of all, the leaves.  Oh, the leaves!

Bunches and Bits

Barnyard Blessings

Better Homes & Gardens

Potter and Finch

From Me to You


Rachel Whiting

In honor of fall I have a fabulous Goose Creek Candle Co. giveaway!  Please enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What great fall season ideas are you bringing into your home, this year?


Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. Cass… This TOTALLY counts for the 31 days and so does the leaf throwing one!! 31 days never said you had to tell your life story although I find it AWESOME! It just said 31 days without tutorials. Do not be so hard on yourself. The purpose of 31 days is to get to know HOW AMAZING you, Justin and your adorable girls are. Trust me. The posts whoe who you are but not in a traditional biographical sense. You are FABULOUS and I love you!!!

    1. Jenn my friend- we all know you are the FABULOUS one! I am so happy you are enjoying the 31 days. I missed your Facebook message for a few days, but I am trying to do this 31 days thing and hopefully just be myself a little more on the blog as time goes by! Love ya, miss ya and I hope life is going well for you!

      1. Being yourself is always best. No one wants you to be someone else because that is just weird. I would never want to be someone else because what if they have weird socks or habits???? Love you. Kiss the monkeys. They are getting so big. LYDIA is HUGE!! Big kisses.