Fabulous New Wainscoting Design

Submitted By: This Home Of Ours


New style Wainscoting Tutorial

This is our bedroom (before). We changed out the chandelier when we moved in but we love the painted ceiling and the wall color. But now we want some wall molding done in this area.  A fabulous new wainscoting design!

Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (1)

We picked a pattern to try using 4ft long by 1.5 inch wide wood. It is in the molding area at Home Depot. We cut the wood into 7, 10, and 13 inch pieces.

Here is the design we wanted. So we could make adjustment we stared in the center of the wall and us one headless nail to nail in each piece of wood. It was easy to pull off and try again if we were off measuring wise.

Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (2)

In this picture you can see how it is a square box of 10wide 13 tall with 7 inch pieces on all sides.

Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (3)

Then we added just a flat 3.5 wide 4 ft long pieces of wood also in the molding department. After everything is in place then take a nail gun and nail all the wood to the wall.

Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (4) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (5) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (6) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (7)
Then really months later we got around to painting it. One coat of primer and 3 coats of white paint. Then we realized that we still have to caulk every single bit of wood on the wall. We were hoping the paint would cover a lot of the spaces between the wall and the wood but No. So with the painting and caulking it took 6 hours.

Then I repainted the top part of the area the same color it was but just a fresh coat.

Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (9) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (10) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (12) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (13) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (14) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (15) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (16) Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (17)

Wood $90
paint and supplies $70


Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (18)

Fabulous New Wainscoting Design (19)

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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    1. This was a very tedious project, be prepared for ALOT of work, even having all the necessary tools. It looks great but I don’t think I will ever do this again! Lol

      1. Oh I cannot even tell you how many projects I’ve done that I look back on and say, I will never do THAT again! But that is the beauty of it, you don’t have to! Congrats you’re done! Enjoy it!

  1. How did you secure the pieces to the wall? Did you use finish nails or glue? Did you nail each piece to the wall only? Or nail to each other?

    Great work.

  2. I was going to try this but got stuck right from the beginning trying to figure out measurements and spacing on the wall. Could you tell me how you figure out the layout/size of the pattern?
    Thank you!

  3. Hello,I love the look..But hate you don’t/forget to give detailed instructions…My guess is that it was a elevated level of a project… but I wish y’all well (ENJOY). Thanks

  4. We just did this in out bathroom. Let me make 2 recommendations, paint the wall first so you dont need to go crazy with paint after. Buy primed wood donuts already white and 1-2 light coats is all you need. No way around caulking…its terrible, hah. To make the cuts extra easy we actually did 10″ and 7″ pieces honour boxes were 10×10. It made setting the saw very simple.

    If you have molding at the bottom, factor that in when buying your wood so the depth is the same. Great project looks fantastic.