Master Bathroom Redo With Tile Shower and Tub Surround

Master Bathroom Redo 
With Tile Shower and Tub Surround
contributed by Note Song

Hello, Dear Ones! I have an exciting post to share with you today. Well, it’s exciting for me anyway. We’ve just remodeled our master bathroom! Whoopee!! Now I’m going to warn you – you’re going to see some pretty scary nasty looking pictures. Turn away now if you’re squeamish!

Our home is olden – 1970s olden – disco, mirrors, avocado green and harvest gold – keep those things in mind. Yep, I painted the bathroom red. Actually I painted over some nasty wallpaper which I couldn’t get off the wall then I added a border! Don’t hate me! 🙂

Tadah!! No more red walls and floral border and no more wall to wall mirrors. Now this was just finished last week so I have got some decorating to do but I couldn’t wait to show you! Are you excited for me?

There’s a great big old piece of wall to be decorated. I’m thinking maybe two good sized pieces of art or maybe four? I don’t know. The huge mirrors were taken down and we had just two mirrors put up – one for Mr. Precious on the left and me on the right! Actually the mirrors aren’t coming off these walls – they’re glued down tight and the little tiles were put in as the frames. I wasn’t sure I’d like this but I do! Do you realize how hard it was for me to clean these wall to wall to ceiling mirrors? I’d have to get my tiny stool and then climb upon the counters to clean them! No more! Hallelujah!! We also had a new cultured marble counter top made. The sinks are part of the counter. More stuff to love!

Here you can see the before and the after. The walls are painted a new creaminess of color – oops I’ve forgotten what it’s called, but it’s one of the historic Valspar colors from Lowe’s. Crown molding was added at the ceiling and I love how it looks. Am I missing that border? No, no Nannette! Now we did keep this floor to ceiling mirror on the opposite side of the bathroom. It sits between these two closets. I’ve always kinda liked this mirror! I just have to get out my ladder to clean this one! 🙂

The doors and drawers fronts were pretty banged up, being so olden and all, so we had them resurfaced and now they look brand new. Well, the fronts are! 🙂

We changed out the yucky olden goldishness for the cleaner looking brushed nickel. hardware.

We installed, well “WE” didn’t do it, but the little workmen did, these three vanity lights. Now they are an antique bronzy gold that I thought looked nice with the tiny tiles and they have little raised curlies that look like the brushed nickel.

Another before and after. You can see how the bathroom is a looooooooooooooong galley style. Chloe Dawn was sniffing the carpet for the last time. Why do people put carpet in bathrooms! I hate that! Now we have some nice tiles. You can see how the bathroom flows into the bedroom.

Oh, now here’s the part that gets scary again. You can cover your tiny eyes if you want to. Beware, you’ve been warned!! You’re looking at Mr. Precious’ old shower. It was avocado green and was a fiberglass install. Nasty, nasty, nasty! I won’t even go into it. Just feel sorry for me.

SCREAM! YIKES! OH, MY LORD, HAVE MERCY! I warned you – the tear out!! It does get better, I promise! 🙂

SIGH…Mr. Precious’ new shower. Hallelujah! No more fiberglass, but nice tile work and a new shower head with motions! We’ve been in the dark ages for quite some time! 🙂

I just have to show you all the little pretty parts. Straight tile, tile on the diagonal, little tiny tile trim, new fixtures, nice bottom, No, No, Nannette, not mine, 🙂 but the showers! Nice new glass doors!

Okay, again, feast your most gorgeous peepers on my bathing spot! I’m a soaking kind of gal and I’ve soaked for 13 years in that green tub and if you can see, the tub is surrounded on all three sides to the ceiling with MIRRORS! Oh, my goodness, I just didn’t need to see my tiny little fatness multiplied 700 plus times each time I took my soak! Nasty little floor too. You do feel sorry for me, don’t you? 🙁 You don’t see that lid cover either, do you? No, no Nannette, you do not!

Again, it’s horror time! Mr. Precious and I came in to inspect after the workers left and I had to take photos so we wouldn’t forget the horrific sight! I should have posed for you, but I was a little in shock! I’m sure you understand.

TADAH! Look, I know, I know, there’s that darned avocado green tub. I wanted a new white one! But the contractor said ‘this is a very good cast iron tub that’s covered with great porcelain and to replace it would cost way over $1,000!’ Mr. Precious said – keep it! So…what can I say? It does fit my most short little body and it is ever so easy to clean and it doesn’t look too bad with the tiles, does it? Mr. Precious told me it’s like we’re preserving a little of the past…uh hum.

I did get a new white toilet though with a little fancy lid that doesn’t slam but just drifts ever so softly down to meet the seat. You all probably have these. I guess I don’t get out to bathroom shops often.

Then look at this little chandy. We’ve had it in here for years. It doesn’t match the new brushed nickel but we love it so it’s staying! It has sweet little stained glass and it has some ‘green’ so maybe it pulls in the tub color a bit? Please tell me it does. But it’s a cute little chandy and it clings to that ceiling medallion. I think I should glaze the medallion don’t you? It’s very olden but just got a new paint job.

Well, there’s our new master bath. Like I said I need to get something to hang on the wall between our mirrors and do something with the wall above the toilet, hang some little hand towel rings and poke something appropriate on the counter tops. I did buy some new Laura Ashley towns from Home Goods – they’re fabulous! But I don’t have to climb upon the counters any more, I don’t have to close my most gorgeous baby blues any more because of the border, I don’t have to think about all of the germies in the carpet any more and even though I wish I were soaking in a nice white tub, I don’t have to see my tiny fatness multiplied in the tub to ceiling surround mirrors as I soak in my olden avocado green one!

See that door with the frosted glass? Well, we’ll go in that area another day. 🙂 I’m a little tease, huh? 🙂

I’m joining Our Dear Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday,

Cielo at The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday,

Our Dear Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday

Be a bunch of sweeties,
Shelia 😉

I’ll leave you with a little Note Song~

She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
She came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders
By the banks of her own lagoon

Didn’t anybody tell her?
Didn’t anybody see?
Sunday’s on the phone to Monday,
Tuesday’s on the phone to me

She said she’d always been a dancer
She worked at 15 clubs a day
And though she thought I knew the answer
Well I knew what I could not say.

And so I quit the police department
And got myself a steady job
And though she tried her best to help me
She could steal but she could not rob

Didn’t anybody tell her?
Didn’t anybody see?
Sunday’s on the phone to Monday,
Tuesday’s on the phone to me
Oh yeah.
~ sung by The Beatles

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Thank you so much for featuring my bathroom. Your blog is just wonderful with all of the ideas and inspiration it gives! Happy New Year!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  2. >You don't have to live with an avocado tub… there are companies out there that resurface them for very little cost. It could match that new spiffy toilet and you'd never in a million years know it wasn't brand new. Just look in the yellow pages, or even ask your contractor (shame on him for not telling you it was an option in the first place!!!).

    Good luck!

  3. >What a difference, it looks amazing! If you do want a white tub, you can have your current one resurfaced / re-enameled. There are companies that do it.

  4. >I'm in the midst of a bathroom remodel that we are doing ourselves. It is taking FOREVER. So nice to see that there is light at the end of a bathroom remodel!

  5. >Love the bathroom. I didn't expect you to keep the green tub but by taking out the mirror it looks far less obvious. I agree with other poster here you can have it re-enameled. In my old house the fixtures were yellow and I had the tub done. It looked like I had put in a new tub!!! It was relatively inexpensive and it never chipped or peeled.

  6. >How pretty everything looks, from the mirrors to the fixtures. I love the new shower and know MY husband would love it as well! Great job, Shelia!


  7. >Looks great, I love the tiles around the mirrors. And I like the other have said would look into having your tub re-surfaced, it would look great sitting next to that nice shinny white toilet! And I also love the shower tiles being put in a "diamond" pattern on the upper half! Looks great!


  8. >You know – I like all your posts! What a difference….!

    I wish you the best new year you can get and that all your dreams and projects come true!

    Love hugs


  9. >You are too funny Sheila! Love your new bathroom. Like mentioned above, you can have the tub resurfaced or you can even do it yourself. I resurfaced mine several months ago and it was not that hard. Now if I could only finish the rest of the bathroom…


  10. >This looks SO great! I agree with commenter #2, you can have the tub sprayed white. We had that done to a nice, sturdy (but hideous) cast iron tub. It was BLACK! it just looked SO weird in black, but it was a great tub.

  11. I just got my tub and shower redone by America’s Best Bath. They had it looking beautiful in no time at all.

  12. I agree with the the other responses that it’d be best to have your tub resurfaced. A good lesson to learn: don’t listen to your contractors when it comes to aesthetics!! (no offense to any contractors out there) I’ve seen this time and again with contractors giving clients bad advice. Sure, the tub is a great quality cast iron, but it’s totally dated, and won’t be coming back in style, at least not anytime in the next 10-20 years!! Leaving it basically voided any ‘updating’ you’ve done. All is not lost, however! Find a bath tub re-enameling company, have them come in, and enamel it white to match the toilet. Not cream to match the sinks, white. This is very important. Then your remodel will truly be done. Oh, as for that space between the mirrors, get yourself two pieces of artwork and hang them one lower than the other, vertically. Two square pieces will help fill the space. Best of luck!