Fabulous Dining Room Makeover

Submitted By: Eclectically Vintage

Dining Room update (3)

As you can see from the before picture, the dining room needed a serious intervention.  Peeling wallpaper and extensive water damage didn’t hide the original oak floors that just needed a good sand and stain to bring them back to life.  New walls and moldings (that we matched as closely to the originals as we could) throughout the entire house remedied that problem.  All that was needed in this room was a few coats of paint, two over sized, glassless lanterns which add drama and of course, a few  vintage collections and fun art.

Before Dining Room

Dining Room update (1)

After Dining Room!

Dining Room update (2) Dining Room update (3) Dining Room update (4) Dining Room update (6) Dining Room update (7) Dining Room update (9) Dining Room update (11) Dining Room update (12) Dining Room update (14) Dining Room update (15)

There were two empty walls staring at me and I needed to figure the best way to create impact.  An inexpensive solution was using a fun coloring book of animals with colorful overlays.  I was able to buy off the shelf frames at the craft store by having the mats custom cut (a cheaper alternative than custom framing).  They add a nice modern touch to the room.

There are also five vintage collections in this room (I know, I have collecting issues).  Glass demijohns (large, narrow-necked bottles made of glass or earthenware) are showcased on a table by the front window to let the light shine through.  Then there’s my collection of plates, some new but mostly vintage, that hang on another wall.  Bought from an interior designer who was downsizing, voila, instant collection!  I laid them on the floor until I found a pattern I liked, then hung by eyeballing them.  Milk glass is the third collection.  Pretty easy to find, I spotted these at different places and grew a collection quickly.  Massed together like this against the dark hutch, they really pop.  Collections are rounded out with mason jars with zinc lids, old white porcelain doorknobs that were in the house when we bought it and a variety of corkscrews in a silver bowl on the table.

The dining table was custom made.  It’s a solid piece and so heavy (no taking the legs off this thing!) and although it’s not an antique, it’s built like one with mortise and tenon joinery and no nails.  This thing will be with in the family forever and it didn’t cost much more than a catalog table.  The rug was an eBay score!  There was so much wood going on with the floor, table and hutch, I wanted to break it up with some color.

The black hand painted table under the plate collection is actually a tea table that I once had in my living room in place of a coffee table.  Although I love the table, I thought it made the living room much too formal (which I am definitely not).  Using it as a bar table in here works so much better.

Under the wall of art is an old bench on casters that I found at a store closing sale.  It was one of their display pieces and I loved it’s crusty charm.  It’s only been in the dining room a short time.  Before that, it was in my sun room and before that in the kitchen of my former house.  I love being able to move my things from room to room.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. oooh! i thought i recognized that beautiful plate arrangement on that dining room wall! way to go my friend at eclectically vintage!! lookin’ good!

  2. I really like the plates on the wall. I have some plates, so I might try that idea in the future. I don’t see any plate hangers, though. What kind of hanger did you use to hang the plates? They’re hidden.

  3. Thanks everyone for the great comments on my dining room! The plate wall is one of my favs too!

    Toby – the plate hangers are from an English company called Disc Hangers. They are circular adhesive patches with a hook for hanging that you stick on the back of plates (or anything else you want to hang). They come in different sizes depending on the weight of what you are hanging.

    Here’s the link and you can also find them on Amazon.
