Fabric Bulletin Board

Andrea @ Willow Wisp Cottage has framed her fabric bulletin board.  See how nice it turned out.

There are so many inspirational, creative projects out there in blogland. I used to rely on HGTV and decor magazines for my inspiration, but since discovering blogs, I am overwhelmed by all the incredible talent out there. I have put many of these projects on my to-do list (which is ever-growing!). There are a few projects, in particular, that almost seem like an initiation right into blog-dom: one must attempt a memo board, use blackboard paint (on just about anything), and try glazing/distressing. In my most recent project, I’ve become initiated in 2 of 3 of these and what fun I had!!

The Project:

Today I tackled a memo board and distressed, glazed frame. I saw Centsational Girl’s memo board tutorial and knew it was perfect for what I had in mind. She gives a great step by step tutorial 

Here is my abbreviated version:

My husband (my hands most certainly aren’t quite as hairy!) cut some thin board to size.

I gathered all the tools I would need to tackle the project. I opted for a canvas fabric and simple black ribbon. The frame is quite ornate already, and there is some pattern in the room that the board is going in, so I didn’t want the fabric to be too busy.

I placed 2 layers of quilters batting underneath and cut to size.

Using a stapler, I placed numerous staples to hold the batting in place (see? nice, smooth hands =) I lay out my ribbon to get a general idea of the size of the diamonds, and cut the ribbon to size (with enough length to wrap the ribbon under the board).
As per Centsational Girl’s tutorial, I held my tacks with a needle nose plier, and hammered it down with a rubber mallet. Worked like a charm.

I did measure the diamonds to ensure they were all the same size. I didn’t trust ‘eyeballing’ it.

Voila, the board complete….now onto the frame (although the board sans frame, is cute also!)

I finally was able to find some Glaze. I asked several paint stores and got funny looks when I asked for it. I wanted to say ‘You know, Glaze, like what they’re always talking about in blogland?’ but I figured they’d really look at me strangely! I got this at Home Depot. One problem I did have, was tinting it. The salesperson really wasn’t sure, so I decided to do it on my own at home and customize it for each project. I am ok with the colour of the glaze on the frame, but I think I’ll go much darker for my next project. I’m still considering putting a darker layer on this too. It reads a bit orange-ish to me.

The process was easy: Paint it on, rub it off. So there you have it. Now I’m looking around for something to throw blackboard paint on…..love 
this idea from Kari & Kijsa (ohhhhh, how I wish they’d come back-LOVE their blog!!)
Nice job on the fabric bulletin board.  
I like how the frame turned out do you?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Love the frame!!! In fact, I want one too! This is one thing on my project list of things I want to make, I love how it turned out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. >I am just a random person that recently found your blog.. And I LOVE it!! I would like to try so many of these projects..
    I especially have been wanting to make one of these, for a long time! So, this is pefect! I will defenitly be making one soon!

  3. >LOVE love this message board!

    I wanted to let you know that I KNOW you are a busy busy lady but I received a fun blog award and I wanted to pass it on to you. Please don't feel obligated to do it, I just wanted you to know that I HEART your blog and I think you are a sweet lady! The award is on my blog if you want to see it and it's called A BLOG OF SUBSTANCE! Thank you for always sharing so many wonderful bits of goodness!

  4. >Thank you everyone for the sweet comments about my message board, and THANK YOU to Remodelaholic for featuring it =)))
