Step up to the plate, Dish Display; Guest

I love these new linky’s with pictures, especially when I am visiting other peoples blogs, it is like window shopping on steroids.  I was hopping blogs today and saw this image and knew that I must feature it.  So I asked Rene at Cottage and Vine if I could!  I love the dish display, and it is getting me thinking about a new, very ugly hutch I got for 40.00 (while picking up another Craigs list find I offered to buy the hutch too and they said yes! score…) and the plans that I have to beautify it.  If only I could find an extra hour in the day!

(I found the before and stuck it in here so you can really see what a great thing she did.  
Be sure and check out her blog!)


Now let’s enter the world of plates.  Better yet, let’s enter the world of plates and spray paint.  Yesterday I painted a stack of plates that I picked up from the Goodwill store and had actually forgotten about until I read this postThanks Trish.

Of course we all know the cardinal rule, never run out of white spray paint.  Impulsive projects, you know.  I can honestly say that if I ever walk into another thrift store, that I can look squarely at a stack of plates and say………I’m good.  No really, none for me, thanks.  I will not tweak this wall anymore, ever again.

If you would like to see the before picture of this wall, you can go here.  If you would like to see more plate walls, then try The Down and Out Chic.  She has an amazing collection of posts on plate walls.

The shades are from Uttermost. We converted canned lights. Easy.

Oh, I need to go buy me some more spray paint and plates, 
I LOVE PLATES, don’t you?

Don’t forget to link up to the party!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >It has never occurred to me to spray paint a plate. What a wonderful idea, as I don't thing I own a plate without a pattern on it. Brilliant. Don't know why I didn't remember gluing macaroni on a plate and painting in gold in vacation Bible school. Duh

  2. >Hi! So glad that you stopped by my blog. I am your newest follower! Your blog sounds great- exactly the kind of thing I'm interested in learning about and reading- my husband and I are newlyweds and are in our first home- lots of redmodel potential!

  3. >oh ya! that's totally awesome! love the setting!
    gonna link my post here now…thanks for this wonderful treat!

  4. >Thanks so much for the nice feature! I love your blog and have become a follower.

  5. >Just stopping by to say hello back. Great blog here! Lots of inspiration! Thanks!

  6. >Thanks for stopping by my blog, it is so nice to meet you. I am your newest follower.
