Entry and Staircase Makeover Reveal

Yesterday I showed you the entry and stair project review.  And you can check out all the individual stair posts under my stair tag.

Beautiful Staircase Makeover!

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs

Just a reminder of the before:

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs

So let’s just let the pictures tell the story. Hope you enjoy!

The view from above:

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel posts

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel posts

Some of the architectural and decorating details of the space.
Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel posts Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel posts
IMG_6721 IMG_6724
IMG_6713 IMG_6718

Overall view of the space:

Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel posts Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel posts

  Stair Makeover removing carpet from stairs custom newel post plans

So finally this is the staircase makeover reveal, I hope you like it!!!  (the occasion calls for three exclamation marks for sure)

And if you do check out the kitchen makeover and dining room reveal in our park house… more rooms to come soon!  I’d love to hear what you think!

Before After Carpet To Wood Staircase Park House @Remodelaholic

EDIT  * I’ve had a lot of emails asking about the flooring we used.

I posted all about it in the living room floor installation  post. Hope that helps!

If you are wondering about the blue artwork in the hall the tutorial to make that is at the link!

 I’ve had a LOT of questions about the paint it is Fortress Grey in the Dutchboy line..  I used left over paint that I had from an upstairs bath.  I bought the paint at Walmart a few years ago.  Here is the label, they accidentally only added enough for a quart the first time, so they did it four times.  How is that for confusing… but here you go!

Fortress Grey paint label

——————–Update 5/21/2016——————

Check this out!

Remodelaholic-inspired banister remodel, before and after

Readers Annie and Scott sent us these photos of their staircase makeover. Here’s what they had to say about it:

Just followed directions, except no wooden spindles, spent a little more $$ and purchased wrought iron, so worth it! Very easy to install, and so elegant looking!

Beautiful transformation, you two! Definitely elegant!

Do you have a project inspired by one of our posts that you’d like to share? We’d love to see it! Let us know here

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Well, that is just inspirational. I love it all. Where did you get that great 6-compartment wall storage thing? That is just lovely.

    1. Anna, if you click on the park house stairs link, it will show you all the posts that we have written on the stairs project. It was such a big project that we had to break it up into many posts. I hope that this will help you see how we did it all.

  2. Seriously you guys, that is AWESOME!! I kept looking at the before pictures thinking HOW in the world is that the same house??? Is this Justin’s new full time job? LOL 🙂 I love the wood floor too cause it looks just like mine (good minds think alike – right?) we choose the engineered wood and it already looks “beat up” so I don’t worry about dog nails and rowdy kids.

  3. Love this update! What color is the wall color in entry? Love it! I want to change from the taupe wall color to something more refreshing. Thanks so much! Cindy Lynn

  4. Beautiful finished project!! What is the wall color? I’m wanting to change from the taupe we have & love this color. 🙂 Cindy

  5. GORGEOUS!!! What an amazing transformation! What bluish paint color is on the wall? Its exactly the right balance of neutral/ color that I’m looking for! Love your blog!!
    Alberta, Canada

  6. I am dying to know the color on the walls. I tried tracking it back as I know you used leftover from bathroom but can’t figure it out. Please let me know.

  7. This is BEYOND amazing. I waaaaant! What paint color do you put on hall walls? What white did you use for stairwell/woodwork? Just stunning…..

  8. How high would you say that shelf is? I have a console table at the front door now but it seems too short. I am 5′ 10″ and my hubby is 6′ 3″…so we like things taller 🙂

    1. Sherry, I can’t totally say! We moved, so i can’t just go measure it, but i am 5’10 too and I had the shelf about waist high. So it was somewhere around 3 feet…. Hope that helps a little bit, sorry I can’t tell you exactly!

  9. Love the finished product! How did you guys build the arch? And what all did you do for the moldings throughout the space? I love the big chunky moldings and casings and whatnot!

    1. Lara, I am having Justin work on some tutorials right now. Hopefully we will have it all posted in the next couple weeks! You can check out all we’ve posted on the living room until then! Thanks for letting us know what you’d like to hear more about.

  10. This staircase makeover is more than amazing. You have done a beautiful job and certainly added tremendous value to your home. I am in awe.

    You both have a true eye for design and great talent in bringing your ideas to life. I hope you are wonderfully proud of your accomplishments. Wow. What a team!

    1. Janet! Thank you so much for all the wonderful praise! we are so happy we took the time for this project! It took forever, but we are glad it is done!

  11. What a beautiful job! I absolutely love it. Of course I had to show the picture with the kitty in it to my husband, as we have four cats. 🙂

    1. Oh Buddy! I miss him! He was such a beautiful cat, and such a good remodeling helper, he was always RIGHT there!! We now only have one cat, and we love her they are such funny little creatures. I hope I always have one or two!