DIY Greek Key Dresser

Submitted by Better Decorating Bible


Wow! Take a look at this remarkable makeover from a cheap Ikea dresser, turned into a glamorous piece of furniture! Just shows how with a little imagination, you can create a beautiful piece of high-end looking furniture to wow your guests!

Ikea Version:

DIY Friday: Turn a $35 Ikea Dresser into a $3,000 one!TimmyThe WienerDog

Inspired By:

DIY Friday: Turn a $35 Ikea Dresser into a $3,000 one!

1st Dibs

Keep reading for instructions on how to create your own Ikea Greek key dresser!


  1. Paint the dresser your desired color, here we used gold acrylic spray paint for the trim and a baby blue for the restDIY Friday: Turn a $35 Ikea Dresser into a $3,000 one!TimmyThe WienerDog
  1. Measure out thin pieces of wood for your Greek keys, depending on how you want them (vertically, horizontally, big, small) making sure that the keys will cover any knob holes

DIY Friday: Turn a $35 Ikea Dresser into a $3,000 one!Proper Hunt

  1. Using a miter saw, cut, glue, and paint (two coats) on the Greek keys. Don’t paint the back since it will be glued onto the dresser.

DIY Friday: Turn a $35 Ikea Dresser into a $3,000 one!TimmyThe WienerDog

  1. Glue the Greek keys, and voila!

DIY Friday: Turn a $35 Ikea Dresser into a $3,000 one!

BDB Tip: I recommend finding a dresser without a laminate finish such as this one from Ikea which is easier to paint.

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. Looks great, but more info would be helpful. New trim looks to be molding, so specifications would have been nice. And what glue is recommended to apply them to the cabinet? Since there is no other hardware, I assume the new overlay would be the only thing one could use to open and close the drawers, which over time would be a lot of pulling on those overlay pieces.