Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars

This recipe for chocolate pecan pie bars is absolutely amazing.  The ooey gooey richness of the pie filling mixes perfectly with the chocolate.  Then there’s the crunchy nut texture on top and the soft crust on the bottom that just holds it all together like magic.  And yes, I’m calling this magic.  Because it is.

Easy and delicious Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars Recipe via Remodelaholic.com

Pecan pie is delicious, but add dark chocolate chips into the mix and you’ve just made an already incredible dessert even more enticing. I really can’t think of anything else that could make this recipe any better.  I used the filling from this chocolate pecan pie and added it on top of a chewy pie crust.


The very best thing about this recipe is how impossibly easy it is!  It does take a bit of time, but it’s totally worth it.  This is great for people who (understandably) haven’t quite nailed the whole ‘traditional, flaky pie crust from scratch’ thing.


Also, you get to dig in and knead it, which is up there with a massage and a spa day in my book.  Had a bad day at work?  Knead!  Are the kids driving you nuts?  Knead!  I’m not saying it’ll fix all the problems in the world, but there’s definitely something to be said about working those hand muscles in a constructive way.  

pecan pies bar 4

These delicious little bars are perfect for cookouts, family gatherings, outdoor events: anywhere, really! The fact that you can eat them using your hands without looking like a barbarian means that they go well at informal functions or venues with limited seating.  Don’t let that dissuade you from serving them at the end of a fancy meal.  A fork isn’t required, but can still obviously be very useful in capturing every last crumb.

Get the recipe for the filling here.

Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars

Print Recipe
Prep Time:15 minutes
Cook Time:40 minutes



  • 2 cups Pecan Halves
  • 3 large eggs beaten
  • 3 Tbsp butter melted
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 Tbsp vanilla
  • 3 oz dark chocolate chips


  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 cup softened salted butter
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  • 1) Line a 9x9 pan with parchment paper. Combine all the ingredients for the crust together, knead the crust until it forms a ball.
  • 2) Using your fingers or the back of a spoon press the crust into the bottom of the pan.
  • 3) In a medium bowl mix together all the ingredients for the filling except the pecans. Once it is mixed, pour it over the crust.
  • 4) Next add the pecans to the pan. You can line them up or just dump them in. Press the pecan into the filling so that they are covered.
  • 5) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Bake pecan pie bars for 40-50 minutes or until the bars are set. Let cool completely before serving.

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