Creating A Unique Home

Submitted By: Crafty Texas Girls

When it comes to home décor, I have become a bit obsessed. For years I didn’t really pay much attention to all the details that go into a well-dressed home. Maybe it was because I was busy working full-time or it could have been because I was pre-occupied with being a new mother. But now that I am home and my children are on a decent sleep schedule, I have new hobby. And it all started when a friend forwarded me a few DIY blogs. With a few clicks of the mouse, my mind was racing as images of re-finishing furniture, sewing curtains, and spray-painting lamps passed before my eyes. Then I had an epiphany—I could do that!

So after a year of pouring over catalogs, countless hours of reading home improvement blogs, and numerous hot glue gun burns- I think I am beginning to figure it out. To me the secret of creating a unique home that you truly love comes down to a few simple details.
1.  Find Your Style: Decorating is overwhelming! Walk into any home store and you are bombarded by knickknacks, prints, and furniture. It is hard to imagine how it will look in your house or how it will even all go together. So before you begin, spend some time thinking about the big picture. Websites like HGTV, House Beautiful, and countless blogs are loaded with images of homes. Start a file of what you like. Flip through magazines and tear out photos. Then look at all the images together- what are the common themes in each photo? Are you drawn to white cabinets, bold paint colors, or modern furniture? What do you want the feel of your home to be? Once you have decided- decorating will become much easier.
 In My Case: Every time I browsed home photos I was drawn to whites, khakis, and black. But everything I owned was flooded with reds and yellow accents. By removing those colors in throw pillows and such- and replacing them with neutrals, I instantly loved my home more.
Source: via Amy on Pinterest


My home became ‘new’ again with neutrals: thrift store finds and painted furniture combined with a few pops of color
2. Venture Outside the Chain Stores: It seems easy to walk into a furniture store and buy ‘the room’. But homes that are the most appealing to the eye are layered. Not everything is matchy-matchy. So don’t be afraid to go to local antique stores, second hand stores, and boutiques. Some of the items you find may need a new coat of paint or a bit of reupholstery work, but that is what will make them unique. These items take a little more time to find, but they are worth it.
In My Case: I have turned in to a collector of old things. Not really fancy, expensive antiques, but items with great design and a bit of history. I have vowed not purchase any more quick fixes made with particle wood because the prices are low. Instead I spend a bit of time each month combing through stores like Goodwill. Recently I found a beautiful dresser with great lines at an antique store. It needed a bit of work and some paint. But it was real wood and it only cost $40. After a little TLC, that dresser has become one of my favorite pieces. It adds so much interest to my home.
 3. Use What You Have: It’s the whole idea of shopping your home. Look around at what you already have. Does the furniture you own have great shape, but is just in need of new paint or fabric? Try using pieces in unexpected ways. Move a dresser to the foyer or try a wingback chair in the kitchen. Moving around itmes that you have always had can be a great way to feel like you are getting something new.

In My Case: I had a white wooden tea table that had been used outside as plant stand. When I was looking for a side table in my dining room, I kept shopping but couldn’t find the ‘right’ thing. Then on a whim I moved the table inside. It was a perfect fit!

4. It’s a Marathon, not a Sprint: Decorating your home is a process and it is constantly evolving. It is impossible to do it all at once. If you rush it, you will end up with regret and items you don’t want. Take the time to make a plan, look at lots of pictures, and don’t go shopping without a ‘big picture’. You will never regret taking your time and making good decisions.
In My Case: I bought a red couch. Yes, a micro-fiber, red couch. At the time, the price was good and it seemed quirky/cool. I didn’t think about the fact that when I got tired of red, I would have a very large piece of furniture that was bright red. And now that I am on a mission to rid my house of this color, I still have this couch. It is  ‘hidden’ in my hubby’s office. But every time I look at it, I am reminded of that fact that you should never rush into big home decisions.
5. Final Thoughts: In general, go with neutrals for large, expensive items. Save bright and trendy colors/patterns for throw pillows and accessories- they are much easier and cheaper to change out year after year. Include lots of personal details in your home- photos and mementos will make your home more interesting and unique. And lastly, it’s a hobby- have fun with it. There is no right or wrong way to decorate your home. It needs be comfortable and enjoyable for you and your family. The most beautiful homes are those with happy people inside it!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I love the creativity you have when it comes to decorating. Thank to your ideas my house is looking better each week. By the way, it is true that sometimes shopping out side the regular store like you suggested in “Venture Outside the Chain Stores” saves you money. I bought a lamp in a secondhand store that cost me half the price from any other regular store. The other thing I enjoy the most is to painting interiors (that is why I opened my own business from: Any way, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

  2. I love this post, and every bit of the advice here is good. 🙂

    It took me a while to learn your rule number one, so without thinking of how it was all going to fit together, I bought a lot of things I loved. That sometimes made it hard to make them fit, so I ended up moving some to other rooms, putting a few away, and repainting or otherwise changing others. Still, it made “shopping in your own home” a lot easier!

    And I LOVE Goodwill and thrift stores. If you have the eye to see a piece’s potential, you can get some wonderful high-quality pieces for your home decor. And you come away with the satisfaction of having done it yourself.

    I’ll have to bookmark your blog and be back, love this!

  3. In one of your pics I can see the edge of your fireplace and it looks like you painted it. Do you have any pics of that? I have a brick fireplace that I’ve been considering painting all or part of it but am nervous! It’s a large corner one that goes from a tall vaulted ceiling to the floor with a brick matel to boot!

  4. Hi! I would really LOVE to know where you purchased your floor to ceiling drapes in the family room photo. If it’s fabric that you purchased, do you remember the name? Thanks!!!