Officing Around the World – Creating a colorful, travel-inspired home office

Hello again! I’m Dawn from back again this month with another mood board for your decoration inspiration. Check out my boards from the past few months (here & here) if you didn’t catch them the first time around!

This month, I was inspired by a friends collection of travel posters from her and her hubby’s honeymoon. They are big and beautiful and bring such a fun vibe to their home. I love all thing travel and thought it would be fun to put together a mood board for a travel-inspired home office that could make you feel like you are on vacation every day. 🙂 Or at least remind you of that one awesome vacation you took.

Officing Around the World | Create a Colorful, Travel-Inspired Home Office #remodelaholic


This post has been updated to include similar available product, where the original featured product was no longer available. Contains affiliate links; learn more here

Birch Wood Globe Chandelier (or this is similar & more affordable)

Travel Posters: Norway, Zurich, Mexico (similar), Braniff Airways,
Monaco (similar), Firenze (Florence), Swiss Air (similar), Peru

Subway Art | Office Sign (similar)  |  Lamp (similar)Clock (similar)

Red Drafters Chair  |  Wood Drafting Table (similar)Vintage Camera Desk Organizer

Vintage Red Phone  | Vintage Metal Fan

Since I started with the vintage travel posters as my inspiration, I drew colors from those to make this office space colorful and exciting. I toned some of the brighter-colored accents down with neutral-colored main pieces. A classic drafting desk is simple and perfect, while a black and gold buffet table with an oriental style adds extra storage and interest.

Bringing in subtle regional elements, like succulents in Southwestern style planters or a vintage look NYC bus scroll, help add a collected-over-time travel feel, without crossing over into ‘Hey, this room has a theme!’ territory.

Starting with vintage travel posters made it easy for me to incorporate the nostalgia of other vintage elements into the design as well. And, honestly, the romance of vintage travel trumps the modern connotation of sitting in an airport any day. At least in my book. With that in mind, I brought in elements like a vintage camera (you have to take photos on vacation of course!), black and white framed photography (again with the photos), and antique book collections (for reading about new destinations or journaling adventures you’ve already taken).

And finally, what would a travel themed room be without an obligatory collection of vintage globes. How fantastic would these look lined up on top of that black buffet?

Thanks again to Cassity & the Remodelaholic team for having me here today. I look forward to being back again next month with more inspiration and another mood board for you! If you like what you see, be sure to visit me over on my blog, DesigningDawn, or find me on the Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. Have a great day, friends!


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Website | + posts

Dawn is one half of the team behind the creative blog, AD Aesthetic. By day she works as the VP of Creative for a design and marketing company (getting paid to make things look good!), while by night she renovates her Midwest home, refinishes thrift-store furniture for fun, and works with her husband on raising two tiny humans. Dawn believes in the potential to design your surroundings and your life one day at a time, and lives by the motto, 'Make everything beautiful.' Get to know her better by visiting her blog,, or following along on Facebook and Instagram.

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  1. Excellent use of repurposed items! I recently remodeled a basement in a suburb just outside of Chicago. The Mid-Century Modern style is quite popular out here and retro is for sure making a comeback!