Basic Office Chair Reupholstered For Craft Room

Mandy at Sugar Bee shows you how she got her office chair reupholstered DIY style, for her new craft room.  See how nice it turned out.

HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (1)
I don’t think I’ve told you, but I’m working on vamping up my craft room.  It’s in the works.  But the chair is done, and I LOVE it!!  I found the basic office chair at a thrift store and redid it:


WOW, right?!  What a difference paint and fabric can make!!  Did you know these kind of chair could come apart – I wasn’t sure, but they do.

HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (2)

After taking off the seats, I spraypainted everything else.  It’s a plastic chair, so I was sure to use the spraypaint specially designed for plastics (I used Krylon Fusion for plastics in red).  My husband was skeptical of paint sticking to plastic (he’s a plastics engineer) but it worked great!

HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (3)

Then I wrapped my fabric around the seat parts and stapled it to the back.  I didn’t even take off the old fabric – just wrapped over it all.
Then screw it all back together and you’re done.  The chair went from “drab” to “fab” (my model was begging to sit on it for a picture) – I really love it!  

HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (4) HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (5) 

HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (7)

HOw to reuphoster and office chair before and after (6)

Isn’t that fun reupholstered chair for her craft room?  It’s great to be able to put our own style and flavor on thing to make us feel good.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >It's absolutely adorable!! I totally love it. I've seen those kinds of chairs reupholstered before but the fact that she painted it red is just the cherry on top!

  2. >I llove this. I always steer away from getting an office chair for my computer desk in the kitchen, bc I don't want an ugly black chair with wheels ruining my decor… now I know, spray paint and fabric. I'm heading out to look for a chiar now. thanks!

  3. >I absolutely love this redo! I was just looking at office chairs today since the one in my son's room is hideous – I'm so inspired to revamp it! Thanks for sharing.

  4. >Woohoo! I found you via Rosie's Fabric Shopper blog. Like I told her, I saved my office chair from Dumpster Oblivion when we moved in hopes of recovering it in cute fabric. I thought I'd be relying on my own wits. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your cute inspiration and awesome wisdom.

  5. Hi,,, I love reading all the stuff on your blogs and was just reading the tuturial about waxing furniture when I came across this. The tutorial was fab,, and so is this one now. Can you tell me how many spray cans of paint did you need to buy and did you need to put a primer on 1st to make sure this paint sticks? Thanks for any help. I have got about 19 projects to do,,,, but end up spending all my days (and nights)reading these fab blogs that all these clever woman are writing. I CAN NOT drag myself away to get on with my

    1. Alison- I know what you mean (about the 19 projects!) I don’t have the answer to the paint, since this was a guest feature… but there is a link to the authors blog at the top of the page.

      GOOD LUCK with all your projects!

  6. This is wonderful. I think I will do the same to my office chair.
    Can you tell me how many cans of spray paint you used?