Brace Yourselves!

Over the years as Remodelaholic has grown, we’ve come to think of our readers as an extended family.  We may not see each other regularly, but when we hear from you via comments or run into at a blogging conference (or in Target!) we’re always thrilled to catch up.  So, we feel pretty comfortable sharing some special news with you.  We know that, like family, you’ll be supportive and excited for us.  

We’re taking a deep breath….

….and announcing that we’ve decided to shift our focus away from DIY and home improvement projects.  Our big move over the summer has helped us realize that even though all these home improvement projects are things we’ve had to do along the journey of home ownership, they just aren’t our passion anymore.  We hope you’ll understand that we’ve decided to use this blog as a format for sharing our real passion.  That’s why, starting on April 1st, when you click over here, you’ll find:

Politicalholic Banner

Instead of sharing home projects, we’ll be discussing political topics on a daily basis that we feel are relevant to families everywhere. 


Bwahahaha!  Happy {Early} April Fools’ Day!  

Did we have you going there, for a minute?  All in good fun!  No, we’re not giving up on sharing our home improvement projects, we’re just trying to get you in the mood for a little bit of pranking.  April 1st is April Fools’ Day, and it’s time to gear up to play a few innocent jokes on your family and friends.  We’ve compiled a list of some fun ones that aren’t too mean, embarrassing, or dangerous–perfect for introducing little ones to the fun of April Fool’s Day or playing a harmless joke.  Enjoy!

Remodelaholic April Fool Ideas

  • After everyone falls asleep on March 31st, get up and reset all the clocks 3-4 hours ahead.  See how many family members actually get up and get ready when their alarms go off.
  • Stuff a raisin into the opening of a tube of toothpaste, so that the first thing to come out when the tube is squeezed is a raisin.
  • Serve “raw eggs” for breakfast:  a dollop of vanilla yogurt on a plate (the white) topped with a canned peach half (the yolk).
  • Set jello in drinking glasses (with drinking straws added before the jello sets completely).  Serve the “juice” and enjoy watching your family try to drink it!   via Meet the Dubiens  Meet the Dubiens jello juice
  • Pick up some yellow caution tape from the local hardware store and place it across a toilet or shower at your house.
  • Tint milk with a little food coloring.
  • Is there a home improvement project going on at your house?  Switch a tool or two with one of your neighbors for the day and see if anyone notices.
  • Do you keep a pitcher of water in the fridge, or know someone who always carries a water bottle?  Replace the water with clear Kool-Aid for a surprised reaction.
  • Spoonful has a free printable so that you can make a packet of “doughnut seeds”.  Fill the packet with frosted cheerios and give them to your kids to plant.  Spoonful doughnut seeds
  • Make a recording of your smoke detector or another home alarm system.  Play it on a continuous loop and ask your spouse to “check the batteries” in the alarms.
  • This one might require a little advance planning and sneakiness:  switch babies.  Convince a friend with a child of similar age to temporarily switch children…hopefully right before your spouse comes home.  Ask your spouse to get the child out of the crib/swing/high chair, and prepare to laugh.
  • Sneak into your friend’s house and apply adhesive googly eyes to random objects.  (Or ask to use the bathroom, and carry a few pairs of eyes in with you.)  via How About Orange  How About Orange googly eyes
  • Take a screenshot of the computer screen, and leave it open on the saved image.  The first person to sit down at the computer will think the computer is “frozen”!
  • Remember the magician’s handkerchiefs?  Give your spouse the same effect by safety pinning all the articles in his underwear drawer together.  When he pulls out one, they’ll all come out in a continuous chain!   via Parenting
  • Stuff the toes of your family’s shoes with small wads of toilet paper, so they won’t fit when they try to put them on.Prudent Baby shares an extremely realistic (and free!) download for a fake parking ticket–great way to prank faraway friends and family!  
  • Prudent Baby fake parking ticketReplace your spouse’s screensaver or cell phone picture with something silly.
  • This one also takes a little advance planning and sneakiness….if you subscribe to the newspaper, save one day’s edition a few weeks before April 1st.  Replace the morning paper with yesterday’s news, and see if your spouse notices!
  • Make brown E’s for your family.  Cut several letter E’s from brown construction paper, place them in a cake pan, cover them with tinfoil, and let your family know you’ve made “brown e’s” for dessert!  (This is a fun one for younger children to fool neighbors with, too.)   via Mrs. Goff’s Pre-K Tales  Mrs. Goff's Kinders brown e's
  • Set the dinner table with the “wrong” utensils–measuring spoons, spatulas, meat forks, etc.  
  • When Dad comes home from work, have the kids waiting at the door with silly string.
  • Take all of your child’s stuffed animals off of the bed while they are sleeping and have them line up outside the bathroom door like they are waiting for their turn to go “potty”.   via Chocolate Cake Moments  Chocolate Cake Moments animal line

  • Live in a tight-knit neighborhood?  Put up a For Sale sign in your yard overnight.  In the box where the flyers go, print off a few papers that say “Happy April Fools!”  (Or put the sign in a neighbor’s yard, with notes inside the box from neighborhood families, telling them how glad they are to have them for neighbors.)
  • Pick up an extra Easter Egg dying kit at the dollar store.  Unscrew the rim of your bathroom faucet and slip a dye tab up there so that when someone turns on the water, it will be brightly colored for a few seconds!
  • Confuse the kids:  come out in the morning dressed in what your husband wears for work, and have dad put on some makeup and a pink shirt.  Little kids especially will find this hilarious.
  • Serve asparagus…for dessert.  This bunch of asparagus is actually a delicious cake decorated with fondant asparagus spears, believe it or not.  There’s actually a full tutorial for making the fondant asparagus at Sweetapolita.  Sweetapolita asparagus cake
  • Looking for more edible jokes?  Check out the roundup of over 100 more at Creative Juice.

Have some prank ideas of your own?  Have you tried any of these successfully?  We’d love to hear about them in the comments!

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    1. Sorry to trick you! With the subject we thought it would be fun! Don’t worry, I will not be able to stop my remodeling addiction with out some serious help, so you are stuck with me!

  1. That was mean! I am on my first cup of coffee still and was having a hard time mentally adjusting to the political change and convincing myself that it will all be ok, whew. Great ideas I especially love the ‘seeds’ too cute and the stuffed animals made me laugh so you redeemed yourself lol.


  2. You are lucky I scrolled down a little further, because I was headed straight back to my blog to take you off of my blog roll! LOL

  3. All I could think was “Oh, please let this be an early April Fools Day joke! Please! Please! Please!!!” LOL so glad it was! Thanks for the ideas – we love April Fools Day around here!

  4. You totally got me! I follow on BlogLovin’, so when I saw Brace Yourselves! I clicked over…and I was fooled! Glad you are not going political, and love the April Fools’ ideas!

  5. HAha you definitely had me going – I was just about to search for the ‘unsubscribe’ button. Good fun, cheers

  6. That was a good one!! Ha! I kept scrolling, so I realized you were kidding. I love the animal one. I may just have to do that for my 6 yr. old. 🙂 I like the house for sale one too. Except I live in a very cliquey neighborhood and am not part of “the group”. It would be funny to put that up and have flyers in there with the “awe darn! You aren’t getting rid of us after all”. (though I don’t think I would ever do it, it is fun to think about it. LOL I don’t say much to anyone, but am tired of the way these younger generation here act. Bunch of ninnies in everyone’s business. It’s like high school mean girls all over again, 27 yrs later.. yeah that dates me!)

  7. good one guys! I was this ” ” close to unsubscribing! Politics?! OMG I come to wonderful blogs like yours to escape that stuff.

  8. Haha! DIY not your thing? You guys are perfect for DIY.
    That was funny.

    Although … If you guys could do for politic’s what you do in your DIY maybe just maybe i’d be able to
    listen to politic’s without wanting to punch the gov’t in the head. 😀

  9. I am so glad your announcement was a joke. You totally got me. We have a friend who replaced her sisters deodorant with cream cheese and put plastic wrap under her shampoo flip cap. I have always want to round up all my friends dogs and then tell my husband I had been to the SPCA and I couldn’t leave with out all the dogs.
    Thanks for the laugh.

    1. I LOVE the dog idea especially you have GOT TO do it. Invite him home to a great dinner and then lay it in home after, so it feels like you are asking for forgiveness before hand. AWESOME!

  10. Hey there! I’ve been reading your site for some time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Austin Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up the great work!

  11. In 2002, I was awake at 7 am, and it was Saturday, so I woke my son for school. That’s when I decided to do April Fool’s every year. The next year, I worked the night shift in a nursing home, and as soon as it was midnight, I put celery salt in everyone’s drinks. They got me back, though. The charge nurse sent me to do my rounds, then they did my drink. The year my little son was about 4, in ’06, April Fool’s was on Sunday, and I was out of ideas, so I looked online for the history and in the 1600’s in France, people would pin paper fish to their victim’s backs and have parties that would say one time or place, but it was really at another. My husband and I tease each other about boyfriend and girlfriend, and about two years ago, our son and I made a mannequin from the cushions of a defunct couch(couldn’t find a mannequin I could borrow for the night) and put it in his patrol car(he’s a deputy) and took pictures of it for FB. Last year, I took an empty pastry box to work with a note in it that said, “Sorry, ‘muffin’s’ in here! Happy April Fool’s Day!” Loved that one.