5th Annual Halloween Party! Ole!

Justy Bottoms (whispered): “Tell us we will die like dogs.”

El Guapo: “You will die like dogs?!”

Justy Bottoms: “No! We will not die like dogs! We will fight like lions! Because we are…

Justy Bottoms, Lucky LaDay, Eddah Nederlander: “The Three Amigos!”

Lucky LaDay: “Wherever there is injustice, you will find us.”

Eddah Nederlander: “Wherever there is suffering, we’ll be there.”

Justy Bottoms: “Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find… “

Justy Bottoms, Lucky LaDay, Eddah Nederlander: “The Three Amigos!”

Happy Halloween!
And, in the tradition I’ve begun of taking too many pictures…
Here are some of our friends from our little party.
*Maria needed two pictures to fully show off here costume.
 In case you can’t read the front says “Liar, Liar”, and in back her pants are on fire.
So clever, and I admit  my blond-ness got the better of me,
when she was telling me about it I didn’t get it, it dawned on me much later.
Matt and Emily (Mars and Venus) were home sick for the party which was especially sad,
since they have never missed a single party(in college), and
besides we practically moved to Texas, so they wouldn’t ever miss one.
Drum-roll please:

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >UP UP AND BEYOND you did a great job Cassity you amaze me with all your talents. Mom and Pop K Love you guys tons see you next month

  2. >Too cute and you're looking great Cassity. I have to say though that even with the black hair your face just makes me think "Dorothy" from the "Wizard of Oz" for some reason, which is funny because that was Kayli's costume pick this year but I think you could pull that off much better. Anyway, love this years costumes!

  3. >Awesome!! Cass you look like the pin up girl Betty Paige with the dark hair. She is gorgeous and so are you. Ya'll look great. 🙂

  4. >Thanks for the invite it was a great party! I loved all the spooky decorations. You did an amazing job on your costumes. Etta is so lucky to have such a talented mom.

  5. >Wow-That's just about all I can say. What fabulous costumes and you make it look so stinking easy. Grrhhh…oh if I only had your talents my friend.

  6. We are doing the there amigos this year, and I am wondering how you made your jackets? Did you just buy blazers or did you are them? My youngest amigo will be 10 months, and I don’t think I can find a jacket in her size.