Amazing Armchair Makeover

Amazing Armchair Makeover by That’s My Letter

“J” is for Jaime – Today I’m the guest blogger here at Remodelaholic. I jumped at the chance to
be part of Cassity’s great collection, thank you for asking.

My blog, That’s My Letter,
has evolved into a make this, change that, do-it-yourself virtual scrapbook for my
little hobby of working with my hands.  The title came from my kids, when they were
younger they’d always point out the first letter of their name and say ‘that’s my letter’ mom so I
went with it. And now I title every post with a letter and one word to describe the project. It has
become my signature.
I’m a Midwestern girl born and raised in Minnesota but married to a New Yorker so we’re
here on the East Coast. All my life I’ve been creating, I was a studio art major in college and
worked a bit for an interior designer. Now I have three young kids and life is busy but I love the
challenge and always search for the best way to make it work.

My recent project, an armchair makeover, is the focus of today’s post. A quick before and

armchair makeoverarmchair makeover

This chair was a Salvation Army find at a frugal price of $20! It was in fine shape but I wanted
to freshen it up a bit, make it my own.
I started by removing all the old upholstery and trim:

Amazing Armchair Makeover – Painted, Sanded & Stained

Then painted, sanded and stained for a fresh look that would highlight the beautiful floral

Amazing Armchair Makeover – the upholstery

For the upholstery I used a drop cloth, stapled on and made a slipcover for the seat. With little
kids I wanted to be able to wash the seat cover and a slipcover is the perfect solution, simply
untie to wash.


The pleated white trim gives the slipcover a finished look with a really feminine touch. And the
white is in stark contrast to the beige of the slipcover which really makes it pop.


A view of the back and the trim:
You can see the entire makeover process step by step here.


It takes a little vision and desire to make it happen but you can have beautiful furniture for less.

armchair makeover
I take great pride in my projects and try to capture the joy of working with my hands with
each and every post.  Thank you to Cassity for featuring my project, it was a pleasure to

Enjoy this post – you may also like this amazing entry staircase reveal makeover! 

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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