A Few Ways to Avoid Blogging

It’s spring right?  (even if it may already feel like summer at 80 degrees outside…)  It is still just spring.  And we have been taking advantage of the beauty outdoors… and the strawberries.


No, that’s not kool-aid on her face, it is strawberry juice… fresh from the garden.


I don’t know about you, but I have found myself pulled outside lately, by little hands, or my need for fresh air and just to enjoy the great temperatures.  And well, I will admit I get a little distracted from blogging during the spring (and the fall but that’s another story).


I just want to hang outside and read the day away.  I have to admit, I am loving our yard a LOT… yes we have plenty of crab grass, but oh well it is so wonderfully green right now!


The garden is flourishing (we’ll tell you more soon!)


We have two slides… yes, two, but they were free, and are used all the time!


We got these TINY crepe myrtles two years ago, and they are now 9 feet tall and have created the nicest screen around our patio!


We have a lot of work to do but we are loving all the random projects.   To the trained eye (i.e. gardeners that know what they are doing) they may not think our yard is that great…I will admit, that we have embraced quite a few invasive species, and have quite a bit of crab grass, but I love how it is filling in- and we are starting to get to the green quotient that I need to be happy.

I should explain that when we moved here, there was 1 single, minuscule rose bush in the entire backyard.  So we have come a long way with very little cash, all told under about $500 in three years (and that includes the chicken coop- now used as a shed, and the deck).   I thought it would be fun to show you a quick before and after and I will be talking more about the yard soon as we have a few plans.

Before when we walked through the house this is what we saw:

The AC had a drip, and the pipes were rusty… we got the bottom cleaned up be we still need to repaint the higher spot!

<KENOX S730  / Samsung S730>

The lone plant a rose bush, that has since been removed, cuz of all the scratches!

<KENOX S730  / Samsung S730>

Starting our plan, but you can see how bare the yard was!



Well, I just thought I would apologize for not hanging with you all as much as I should, BUT I am working on the family room this week.  Well, for the next few weeks hopefully I will have something new to talk about soon.


What have you all been doing with you spring?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I would love to know what you planted next to your patio. You mentioned it had only been 3 years and they are nice and tall and shady already. I think it’s looking great!

    1. Julie, those are Crepe Myrtles. We keep them watered and add a fertilizer stake every year, to keep them fed. And they have just gone crazy. They are better in warmer climates, so be sure to check your zone before planting them (oh and they blossom for a long time… similar to lilacs)