8 DIY Summer Skin Care Treatments

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skin care title


Don’t neglect your skin through the summer months!  Establishing a tried and true skin care routine is important, and should vary by season due to changing climates and temps.  Summer can take a toll on skin with warm, dry weather and lots of sun.  You can easily add some pep to your skin care with some easy do-it-yourself treatments.  Whether you need some sunburn relief, some extra moisture in dry environments or just want to spruce yourself up with a fun new mask, here’s an awesome list of DIY Summer skin care treatments that you won’t want to miss!


1. Avocado Mega Moisture Mask – The Beauty Department 


Avocado is an amazing moisturizer for dry skin and has even been known to fight acne in some cases.  Some avocado mask recipes help to reduce oily skin symptoms as well.  For even more avocado facial mask recipes, try Tips For Natural Beauty.


2.  Strawberry Honey Acne Mask – Beauty Banter

Strawberry is a natural source of salicylic acid and honey contains antibacterial properties.  There’s a touch of honey in this as well, which is a known astringent and also brightens skin tone.  This mask works great for naturally oily or acne-prone skin.


3. Lemon and Witch Hazel Skin Brightening Toner – Shwin and Shwin

Lemon juice tightens skin, reduces blemishes and lightens/brightens skin.  Witch hazel is anti-inflammatory and will reduce redness.  This DIY toner will reduce pore size as well as brightening your skin.  It works best with normal to dry skin.


4. Cucumber Basil Eye Cooling Pads – Shwin and Shwin


There’s a long list of benefits to the two main ingredients in these DIY eye cooling pads.  Not least among them: reducing puffiness and dark circles, relieving eye strain, swelling prevention and reducing the appearance of fine lines around the eyes.  These are so easy to whip up you’ll want to cool your eyes all summer long – so perfect when allergies start acting up.


5. Cooling Cucumber Toner – Women’s Day

The cucumber in this toner is perfect for soothing puffy-feeling skin.  It’s a natural astringent and will calm, soothe and soften your skin right up.  It’s a nice, mild toner that can be used with all skin types.


6. DIY Easy Sunscreen – Scratch Mommy


Store bought sunscreens boast a variety of chemicals and unpronounceable ingredients.  Do away with all the unnecessary additives and make your own!  Not only will you know exactly what went into it, but this recipe has needed vitamins for healthy skin, and is loaded with natural softening and moisturizing conditioners.


7. Natural Sunburn Relief Tonic – Healthy Roots, Happy Soul

What’s the benefit to making your own tonic?  It’s natural, loaded with good stuff, and is toxin-free.  If you’ve got a widespread sunburn, tonic may be the way to go as opposed to a cream or gel since you can easily spritz it all over your body.  Plus, with this DIY recipe, you can spritz as often as needed!


8. DIY Sunburn Relief Cream – The Nourished Life

This is seriously easy to whip up with minimal ingredients.  It’s all natural with no toxins, too, an added plus!  It’s basically a mix of coconut oil, lavender essential oil and valor essential oil blend.  With these ingredients you’ve got everything you need for sunburn relief: moisture, calming and anti-inflammatory properties, and pain relief.


Title image via Better Homes and Gardens

 Featured image via Shwin and Shwin


Kimberly Mueller is the “me” over at bugaboo, mini, mr & me, a blog that highlights her creative endeavors. She especially likes to share kid crafts, sewing attempts, recipes, upcycled projects, photography and free printable gift tags/cards. When she’s not enjoying being married to her best friend, chasing after the natives (AKA her three kids) and attempting to keep the house in one piece, you can find her with a glue gun in one hand and spray paint in the other. Aside from DIY pursuits, she also enjoys writing, reading, music, singing (mostly in the shower) and the color yellow. Kimberly recently published a craft book entitled Modern Mod Podge. You can also find her on FacebookPinterest,Bloglovin’ and Instagram. Email her at: bugabooblog(at)yahoo.com


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Kimberly Mueller is the “me” over at bugaboo, mini, mr & me, a blog that highlights her creative endeavors. She especially likes to share kid crafts, sewing attempts, recipes, upcycled projects, photography and free printable gift tags/cards. When she’s not enjoying being married to her best friend, chasing after the natives (AKA her three kids) and attempting to keep the house in one piece, you can find her with a glue gun in one hand and spray paint in the other. Aside from DIY pursuits, she also enjoys writing, reading, music, singing (mostly in the shower) and the color yellow. Kimberly recently published a craft book entitled Modern Mod Podge. You can also find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’ and Instagram.

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