Day 7: Our First Date


Okay, so I have been excited about sharing our first date since I started this 31 days series.  We’ve been working hard to find everything from that day.  I will say that most people are not as lucky as we are to have our first date TOTALLY documented.  Not only do we have a million pictures, we also made a video, that is EMBARASSING to the max and totally funny (at least to us!).

Halloween first date5 31 days Remodelaholic

Halloween first date6 31 days Remodelaholic

So, I asked Justin out for our first date.  It was on Halloween of 2000.  WOW!  12 years ago this month.  My best friend Nanette and I decided to do a big themed date a month in advance, complete with costumes, dinner and even a script (well at least an outline of what the basic story line was and then we improv-ed the rest).


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Halloween first date1 copy 31 days Remodelaholic

Halloween first date10 31 days Remodelaholic

The summer before this particular Halloween, I found a little girls “dress up” dress at a garage sale that had a funny little Barbie Gem on it and I decided I would be a Barbie for Halloween.  My best friend wanted to be Barbie too… so she was disco Barbie (a play on Never Been Kissed)  We actually got all dressed up early in the day and had our pictures taken at a photo studio (the first picture is a copy of a copy sorry about the quality!)


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I made both of our Barbie costumes and I LOVE them, they are pretty cute!  Disco Barbie’s costume might just be the better one, but mine was fun too!  (very pink, frilly and Barbie-like)


I decorated my parent’s basement, I collected old unfinished carvings from my dads shop, covered all the furniture in white sheets, put logs with Christmas lights under orange tissue paper in the fireplace(to look like a glowing fire,  I cut branches from trees up the canyon (not sure I that is against the law?)  and flowers a week in advance and let them all die.

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For dinner we had subway sandwiches with little tags that said they were “giant fingers” a bag of “mummy skins” (chips) and witches brew (soda)…obviously this is pre- blogger mania parties because it isn’t all “perfect”…but I worked really hard on it.


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Halloween first date9 31 days Remodelaholic Halloween first date7 31 days Remodelaholic


Okay so the video quality isn’t great, but our date was so fun.  We picked up dinner came home and recorded an improv video then watched it and some other scary movie (which was a good excuse to cuddle)…  That was basically wraps up the whole date!


And just for fun we as Etta would say went “switchies” with our wigs!  Too funny!

switched wigs 31 days Remodelaholic

I am DYING to hear what you think!  PLEASE leave me a comment!

Check out our other 31 days posts here!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Halloween was my first date with my husband. What a fun memory to have, with pictures and video. I love all the photos. I wish that was something we had more of.

    1. I know right? I guess it was a good thing to be a little scrapbook happy around the time I first dated my husband! I feel really lucky to have all these!

    1. Selina! THANKS for watching, I know it was long, but I appreciate you taking the time! I think it is sorta funny myself ( I may be a bit biased!! 😉 )