World Map Outline Mural

Submitted By Burlap And Denim


There is nothing like a mural or accent wall to give life to a stale box bedroom.  I am kind of obsessed with them, partly for their drama and partly because they can be so easy and cheap!  I currently, as of this post, have 4 murals in my humble abode.  I have painted each one.  Now, don’t get the wrong idea.  I am not some fabulously talented artist, painter or magician.  What I have learned over time is how to make murals simple, funky, and dramatic.  Anyone can do this, seriously, anyone.  I am going to do a 4 post tutorial, one post for each mural I have done.  I will start with the easiest and they will progressively get more difficult.  Ready for round 1?  Here we go.

The Pottery Barn Kids World Map Outline Mural

I love opening my Pottery Barn Kids catalog and seeing what their set geniuses have come up with.  A few years ago I came across this photo for an airplane themed room.

I knew when I saw the blue wall with white outlined map that I could do this mural.  My son had an airplane room turned Indiana Jones, but this mural was so simple and in classic colors, I figured it would go with just about any accessories in a house with 4 boys!


Blank Wall (painted the color of your choice) Printed Map Page Protector Fine Sharpie Overhead Projector Elmer’s Painters pen

I started by painting one wall in my son’s room blue.  I continued by searching the internet for a clean and simple world map. HERE is a similar map to the one I used (I couldn’t find the original one I used).

Unless you are an amazing artist that can free hand that map on the wall, you are going to need an overhead projector.  If you don’t have an overhead projector laying around (like I do!) check your local library, many check them out for free.  The next step is to transfer the map to a transparency for use with an overhead projector.   You can do this by purchasing an expensive box of overhead projector sheets at an office supply store or take your image to Kinko’s and have them run one off for you.

Steps for Map Murals the Easy WayBeing the cheap and antsy person that I am, I found another way.  I took a clear sheet protector and slipped a black and white print off of the map inside.  Then, with a fine Sharpie, I outlined the map on the top layer of the sheet protector.  After I took out the sheet, I laid it on the projector opposite the blue wall. Overhead Projector for Painting Mural

Turn the projector on and move it closer or farther away depending on the size of the mural you want.  Now, the EASY part!  Purchase one Elmer’s Painters pen in the color of your choice.  I chose white, obviously.  I was nervous as to how many pens I would need, but for the entire 12-13 ft wall, one pen did the trick.  The great thing about using a pen is NO mess!  No need to make tiny brush strokes, just trace the projected map lines on the wall.  This took just a couple of hours and I love the results.

(Check out the Indiana Jones Adventure room

I painted this mural in HERE)

Mural of World Map Outline Painting

As you can see I moved everything away that was in front of the map for the photo.  It actually makes a great backdrop for my son’s desk and other decorative accessories.

Elmer's Painters Pen Map Mural Outline

The Elmer’s Painters pen worked better than I could have imagined.  It was just like the ones I remembered from the ’80′s, you know the ones that everyone used to write their name on EVERYTHING you own.  They are available at Michael’s for around $3 each (use a coupon of course) and I chose the one with the calligraphy tip.

World Map Outline Wall Mural with Elmer's Painters

Well, there is my first course in making an easy mural.  Stay tuned for Murals 101 part 2, 3, and 4.   Let me know what murals you have done in your home, I’d love to see them!

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. This is about the neatest thing I’ve seen. Thanks for the post and I can’t wait for the others.

  2. This is a wonderful project and love all the “how to” details right down to what tip on the paint pen to use….very important. I love this in a bedroom, but am thinking in my attic playroom.

  3. oh my goodness…i am so obsessed with maps so this is absolutely amazing. i just wish i owned my place so i could paint the walls!! this is definitely going on the “must do” list. what a fabulous tutorial!

  4. My 5th and 6th grade teacher used to do this for us at Christmas to make art to bring home to our families. I never thought to incorporate the technique for murals in my home. Awesome!