Updated 1870’s Farm House Exterior

*** I owe Christina @ 2 Little Hooligans A HUGE apology for not linking to their post!  We got this up on short notice on Wednesday and then I came down with a stomach virus that night that quickly spread through our house and I hadn’t checked the blog in two days so I didn’t see my HUGE mistake!  I hope you all will go check out her site, and become a follower!  SO SORRY!

Updated 1870’s Farm House Exterior
party highlight by Christina @ 2 Little Hooligans

Saving this old house of ours is what we have been doing for the past 6 years. We purchased our 1870’s farmhouse a little over 6 years ago. For some reason when we first saw it we fell in love with it. I’m not sure why, but it was probably a case of being young, dumb, and in love. We knew it was gong to take a lot of time and money to fix, but what we didn’t think of is how long it would take us and how the addition of 3 kids in 3 years would change things so drastically. We still have an insane amount of work to do before this place is finished. I would say we are a little more then 1/2 way finished. Most days we dislike this house and wish we didn’t buy it, but this weekend we saw the “light at the end of the tunnel”!!! It only lasted for a split second, but for that moment, when were standing outside admiring how we have been saving this old house, we saw it and it felt so good! It was like were brought back to the day we first saw this house and all the potential it had in store. It was like we were looking at our house, how we did 6 years and we fell in love with it all over again.

A few pictures so you know exactly what I mean,
Then and now…


Go ahead and gasp. I know, it’s bad! But in all honesty, the inside of the house was much worse then the outside. Yes, it’s possible!

It is amazing what new windows, doors, roofs, siding and a lot of blood, sweat, and lots of tears can do!
See, there it was, shining so bright, “the light at the end of the tunnel”! Thankfully it has given us the much needed strength to carry on. And so here we go, continuing to save this old house of ours.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I feel your blood sweat and tears…we are in the same boat!

    Nice jog it looks good, way better. But alas it makes me tired just looking at it fore I know how much work it really is.


  2. >I actually wanted to buy a house that looked very similar to your on the outside in shape…. it turned out there were homeless people squatting in it so I questioned the neighbourhood. I am glad I didn't go that route however, you look like you are surrounded by a vast amount of land. land= + value, homeless people= – value

  3. >WOW!! What an amazing transformation! I can see why you were feeling so good looking at it! I want to see more of the inside now! 😀

  4. >I can understand you very well. Some years ago I bought a house. Since I change, renovate, delete… and find no end. But the different is so big…

    It's a very, very hard, but wonderful job! Your old farmhouse looks fantastic – I love it!



  5. >that is just amazing, cassity! it is beautiful and i am SO glad you saw its potential and brought it back to life!

  6. >Lots of love went into this makeover and the little house has life again – it's just precious.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia 😉

  7. >wow, awesome job! we fixed up 2 old houses; we know what it takes, TONS of work! looks beautiful.

  8. >I can totally see why you bought the house to begin with. Great bones! We have been in our house for over 12 years and I can finally say we are more than half way through with our never ending renovation. I hear from the wise that it never ends…UGH!

    Keep up the good work. Everything looks like it is coming along.

    Take care,

  9. >It is an amazing transformation!! I know it is alot of work. With old houses it seems when you start tearing something apart, you find something else to fix that you hadn't planned on doing. My hat is off to you for taking this on and with three little ones! We built our house ourselves when our boys were babies which was hard but it was done in a year. I can't imagine it going on for longer!! Keep the faith!!