This Giveaway is closed!

Hey- this is actually me~ Remodelaholic…. or Cassity!  How are you all?  I am on a roll!

We are having a tool giveaway…. Let me tell you a little bit about it!

Well, you all may not have ever taken a look into our garage… (if you have, you might be a bit appalled by the site- it is a work/storage mess zone) BUT if you got to sneak a peek, you would know that we are tool junkies.

There is no way of denying it.

We have a lot of tools… and many more on the wish list.

I am every bit as bad as Justin (my very own Mr. Remodelaholic himself), if we think a tool might save some time, we usually buy it.   Because people we use these things all the time.  And every time we use a tool that saves us time, we are thankful!

This “tool junky-ness” can be good- great even, and bad, because sometimes space is at a premium.  So, when we are able to find a tool that is compact and multi functional we are all for it.

So, we were excited when Black and Decker contacted us to try out their Ratcheting ReadyWrench without a penny spent- we gained a new tool, just to try it out!  SCORE!  I love BLOGLAND!

This baby has 16 socket sizes in one… and you know you that in those big huge box sets, you always lose the one size you need or use the most. So, this is perfect for storage, use and convenience.

Here are some great ways to use this baby:

And I am sure that there are many more ways that you can find this tool useful.

Funny side note, just the other day my husbands friend was brain storming up a great idea for a tool.  He was thinking about a wrench that would ratchet instead of take it off  and adjusting it every time you had to turn the nut.  This conversation was literally only weeks before we received this in the mail.  How cool was that to be talking about it and then receiving it in the mail.  If only I could do that with other things… I have a list..

We are always excited about single tools with multi functions.  Instead of pulling out many different tools to find the right size how about grabbing one and only having one to put back.

  Enter the giveaway and you will have the chance to will this all-in-one tool to try it for yourself FREE!!

Here are the simple rules.
You can leave up to three comments for this giveaway!!!

1.  Leave a comment on this post about how you will use this tool.

2.  Leave a comment with a link of your favorite project seen on Remodelaholic and copy the link in the comment box.

3.  Leave a comment tell us what kind of projects you like seeing the most on Remodelaholic!  (We will see if we can grant some wishes our self!)

Good Luck!
The giveaway will stay opened until Friday, January 14th at 5:00 PM CST.
The winner will be announced within a few days.
The giveaway is for participants in the Continental US only.


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I would check everything inside the house…bunkbeds, tables, chairs. Maybe, just maybe I would let my husband try it 🙂

  2. >i like the furniture fix ups…only because we currently in a rental and I can't do anything to the bones of this house.

  3. >As a newly single gal, this is the tool for me! I am quickly venturing into the DIY & Home repair world and with it comes learning to use tools. This tool seems perfect; it can help with just about anything, it won't overload my first (& feminine toolbox); and it won't overload me with complicated instructions. And my last name is "Reddy". I told you it was perfect. My first project with this is to tighten up the rickety work bench so I can continue my DIY list.

  4. >My favourite post… too many to mention, but as I'm venturing into the DIY world, the posts on tools are invaluable! Thanks for this great site.

  5. >The posts I like to see are the kitchen remodels. I need a kitchen remodel in the worst way and the eye candy in this blog is gonna cost me a lot of money or a lot of sweat & time!

  6. >I would use the Ready Wrench for all those projects that I've asked my husband to do that he hasn't gotten around to. It looks easier enough for me to use!

  7. >We have a big set that can be cumbersome. I would love to have it all in one for quick fixes around the house, instead on lugging around our huge case