Tips To Improve Your Photography

Tips to Improve Your Photography via

Whether you are shooting with a DSLR, a point and shoot or your smart phone, these tips will work for you and improve your photography!

6 Tips for Better Photos via Tipsaholic

Learn More About Your Camera

If you have a phobia of user manuals, no problem. You can simply educate yourself on your own terms. Look at the options/settings/buttons and if you don’t know what it is Google it! Take it one step at a time. For instance ‘ISO’.  Look it up, take in the information and then experiment with the settings by changing them and taking pictures so you learn how your impacting the result as you go. This leads me to the next tip…


Just Keep Clicking

Take a picture, change a setting, take another, change the setting again…see the thing is with digital – it’s FREE to practice.  No one is judging, you don’t even have to show them to anyone but the more you practice the more you will figure out how your camera works.


Take A Class

Local camera stores offer them and often local photographers do as well. Once you have a basic understanding of how your camera works it’s worth it to take a class so you can take it to the next level.


Ask For Constructive Criticism (gulp)

This one is certainly the most difficult as so many of our images are so personal to us and it’s hard to let someone else critique them. However, at some point if you want to sharpen your skills you’ll realize Google can only take you so far. Ask a professional photographer that you may know or join an online forum.


Experiment With Post Processing

Whether you use Instagram, Picmonkey, Picasa, Lightroom, Photoshop (the list goes on) play around with different effects to see how they impact your images.  I almost always bump the exposure, contrast and clarity a bit but of course every image is different. Eventually you will find what works for you and your personal style.


Refer To The First Tip In This Post

Seriously, most cameras these days are amazing pieces of technology and just when I think I know everything there is to know I figure out another nifty setting I wasn’t aware of.  Keep learning about all your camera has to offer!


Now go forth and shoot!


Author: Jennifer Faris is a photographer, writer, mom of 3 littles and wife to a rock star (at least in her eyes). You can see more of her work at and follow her on FacebookPinterest,Instagram.


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