Take a Load Off… picking out a new sofa.

Picking out a New Sofa
By Remodelaholic

Okay, so I think I am finally ready to take the plunge of buying a sofa for our living room (which we have been working on lately, Part 1, Part 2 and looking for rugs.)

What the heck right?

Splurge a little.

We have been married for ten years this May, so it is about time I get to buy a sofa, right… not premature.  (I’ve never bought a “new” anything… accept an ottoman I got for cost during my internship in college, I have been patient)

I have been around to a million “sofa” places over the last few years, and never really seen anything that I like- well, I should say that I would be willing to fork over the cash for.   I do not want a large sofa, nothing overstuffed… which is EVERYWHERE- seriously the only thing I have seen in all those big box stores.  They say everything is bigger in Texas, and seriously scale wise there is nothing that you would call small. So, I have had a hard time locating a decently priced version of something I want.

I also have these prejudices against cheap disposable furniture and dreams of 8 way hand tied, down-insert, kiln-dried hard wood framed, heirloom quality pieces…  Basically I need to find a real sofa manufacturer, and I used to have some good sources when I worked for a designer, but I don’t have those now….

Which means, I have been looking around online, and was wondering what your opinions are of some of the sofa’s I like, not sure if the one I will buy is in this lot- or how soon we will buy it… I need the cash first, which I just spent on the new flooring OOPS!

OR if you have some good sources for properly built sofas for a reasonable price, I would love to hear about them.  Either that, or I need to find some auctions/estate sales of antique heirloom pieces…

But anyway here are the sofa “looks” that I like, I am not sure they meet all my standards, but I like the look.. They would be done in a neutral color, no print…

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Please tell me your favorite, and why… just wondering…
(the number is under the picture, just FYI)

1. One of my favorites the Manchester Apartment Sofa from Ballard Designs.
2. The Hollis Sofa from Ballard Designs
3. The Loring Sofa from Room and Board
4. The Dylan Sofa from Pottery Barn
5. The Lennox Sofa from Crate and Barrel
6. The Hanover Slipcovered Sofa from  West Elm
7. The Bryant Sofa by Ethan Allen
8. The Hartwell Sofa by Ethan Allen
That is it for now, I don’t know how soon we will actually buy a sofa, in my wildest dreams it would be ordered this week, but since I have obviously waited ten years, it probably won’t kill me to wait a few more months.
Please tell me what you think!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. We bought the Crate and Barrel Vaughn sectional on sale for $1890 here in California last week. It arrive in two slightly different shades of gray and creaked when sitting near the sectional joint. After reading several more reviews of this sofa and searching Craigslist for resale value – we re-evaluated and returned the sofa to CB. The couch immediately showed signs of early pilling and the cushions were rather lifeless. We’re thrilled with our new couch from HD Buttercup and know it will last the test of time and also have good resale value should we choose to sell it in the future. Bargain beware! You get what you pay for and there must be a reason CB is cutting their losses on this Vaughn sectional!