Stencil Painting On The Wall: Guest

Ralna at House By Numbers tried stencil painting on her wall and it turned out quite nice.

So today I took an hour of my day and finally started the project I’ve been thinking about for weeks now to try in our guest room.  I totally stole the idea from here, and just made up a stencil with some card stock.  I then used my $2.50 acrylic silver craft paint from Wal-Mart and a little craft paintbrush and took the plunge!  Originally I thought I would do it all across the back wall – but now I’m thinking I like it in the corner and will most likely do one strip on the other wall kitty-corner across the room because I do still want to add my headboard and don’t want it to be too much.  But I’m pretty happy with it – think it made a big difference in adding interest to the room and was definitely within the budget at this point! 🙂





I like how it turned out!  Very modern and fun!  How do you think it turned out?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >This is very nice. I've seen so many of these projects on the net lately where they've done the whole wall. I like your idea better. Less daunting and doable!

  2. >Holy cow!! I'm not a modern girl for sure but, I love this look. Amazing how you made your own stencil. ~~~~~Cathy~~~~~

  3. >This totally rocks! I love the silvery-shiny look and how it's not overpowering. Great design! I'm totally stealing this when I move.

  4. >I like that it was used as an accent instead of the entire wall. I think it makes a statement but in a subtle way. It looks great!

  5. >Looks fantastic! I love the price, too, and it adds tons of interest to your wall. Love it! That silver color is perfect.


  6. >I adore your blog and those like you … thanks for being so generous. I only wish all of you were in one place so I never miss a posting or new blog … a girl can only follow so many. We quilters have a 'one stop' place
    I have the site in my and gosh I can keep up with 100's of blogs.

  7. >Thanks everyone for your encouragement! I'm actually super new to blogging – like three months, and have been so inspired by so many of the amazing ideas and inspiration out there. Our house is FAR from done so I hope some of you will keep checking in and lend your feedback/ideas as we stumble towards completion! 🙂

    ~ Ralna

  8. this bedroom. Plan to do mine similar. While browsing online for “silver paint” I came across a website that directed me to your blog. What color paint is this on the walls?

    1. Hi Annette! This was a guest post, so you’ll have to head over to the original blog (linked at the top of the post) and ask her there. Thanks!