Starting to Lose the Weight! Easy Baked Fish and Recipe Link

Okay, you guys have seen those little badges around blogdom that say:
So, this really has nothing to do with my disclosure policy, but it is what I have been thinking about when it comes to eating, dieting, and loosing baby weight.   That means right now for your reading pleasure I am going to “disclose” to you some of my dirty awful secrets.  Not really awful, I just want some accountability and what is better accountability than a blog of a few thousand readers right? (thanks for dealing with my whims…)
With my pregnancies, I start off for the first 5 months sick as a dog, laying around the floor unable to move watching movies, sleeping or reading and eating every hour (or else).  I eat rice crispies, crackers, pizza and dessert.  (stellar nutrition I know!)  Anything that doesn’t sound good (or is relatively healthy), that I eat, loves finding a porcelain receptacle to live the rest of it’s life in… if you know what I mean.   By the time I get over this stage, my eating habits are atrocious!  I am not really up to starting an exercise regimen at this point, and have so much that hasn’t gotten done in the last 5 months that it takes the next 4 months to catch up!  Which means I gain some weight…
Too much info on my own weight:  When it comes to my weight, I have never been really overweight, so that is not my issue, but I have always considered myself fat (probably because of the stress of media etc!).  I have had some bad self talk, I think a lot of women do this to themselves, and it is not helpful.  I was thin enough that I modeled through high school plus some, I am 5’10” and weighted 135 and “they” considered me heavy….  Not a good perspective for a high schooler, but I just lived out that natural thinness until I let it go- I never let the pressure get to me in unhealthy ways, luckily!
But as time went on, I started to gain weight (typical right?).  Here is what seemed to happen: I got married, I gained 5 lbs… I moved, I gained 5 lbs… I got into my major in college, I gained 5 lbs… I got a new job, I gained 5 lbs… I moved again. 5 lbs….  and so on until I reached 176 lbs while we lived in Asheville, NC.
Technically, at 176 lbs, for my height I had just reached the overweight category by a few pounds.  I freaked out a bit.  I decided it had to stop there, I started working out regularly, (first time in my life) and ate slightly better, not much.  I lost 14 lbs, to rest at 162 and couldn’t budge the scale any lower, cuz I didn’t make anymore changes.  I sorta gave up a bit, we moved I gained 5 lbs.. (seriously you’d think I ‘d learn) I parked myself at 168.
I got pregnant, gained 40 lbs, lost the weight (WW online), got down to 164 then quit Weight Watchers (cuz of laziness) and leveled out at 168.  I got pregnant again, gained 40 lbs and now at this very current moment (Thrusday Feb 17th) am at 195.  URGH!
I know…. I just told the world exactly how much I weight.  (did I mention the only t.v. show I watch is Biggest Loser?  I love it! Maybe it gives me courage to jut put it out there- cuz it mean I have to change right?)
Should I mention I am 29 year old too?  WOW secrets are really coming out in this post.  (I turn 30 in April… I am actually excited about turning 30 though… it’s the new 20!)
That means, if I want to be at my goal weight of 150-155 lbs  (right in the middle of my proper body mass index weight) I need to lose approx 45 lbs.  WOW!
Okay, here is the deal for all this rambling.  I think those of you that participate regularly in our recipe links know I have a thing for chocolate and desserts in general.  BUT I am going to strive to do better.  I will have dessert, or I will fail, (I know my limitations people).  But I will try to make better choices on desserts.
In a few weeks, I am going to going Weight Watchers Online again.  (I actually really like the accountability and freedom of their points program- no they are not paying me to say this, I wish!  Hey Weight Watchers- I’d love a free online account!)
Why not join right now?   No, this isn’t planned procrastination.  I have heard that it is best to let your body rest a few weeks after giving birth and let it naturally shed some weight, instead of making it think- “Wait I am starving here, and I need to feed this baby, I will hold on to every pound I’ve got…”  So, right now I am focusing on cutting out some extra sugar… getting my pantry cleaned out of junk and thinking a bit before I eat.
Now, for today’s recipe, finally!  I needed a quick meal the other day and found this on cooking light.  It was really good and i will definitely be making it again.
Easy Bake White Fish Recipe
4 servings 
 You can use any firm white fish; cod, haddock, or grouper work well.
(I used Tilapia, cuz that is what I had)
1 1/2 pounds Tilapia, grouper or other white fish fillets
Cooking spray
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon light mayonnaise
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup fresh breadcrumbs
1 1/2 tablespoons butter, melted
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 425°.

Place fish in an 11″ x 7″ baking dish coated with cooking spray. Combine lime juice, mayonnaise, onion powder, and pepper in a small bowl, and spread over fish. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs; drizzle with butter. Bake at 425° for 20 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Sprinkle with parsley optional.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Hi! I', triyin' to loose some weight since I have had my thyroid removed (I have problems to breath if I keep it…) some years ago. I found a diet that matches what I like to eat (more proteins, but not only!) and I have some tricks when I need something sweet and- of course- I can't just take some cookies. Hope this help you. You need:
    5 sp of dryed skimmed milk
    1 sp of low fat cocoa, with no sugar added
    1 egg
    1 ts of baking soda
    1 ts of liquid sweetener
    1 sp of water

    You only have to mix everything (it will be better if you do it first with the egg and add the milk, the cocoa and the baking soda later), put it in a microwave safe bowl and cook it in the microwave for 3 minutes.
    Now you'll have a nice cocoa flavored big cupcake (or similar!) with NO FAT and LOW CARB. Perfect if you need something sweet and chocolate flavour. Eat it fast, because, as it's cooked in a microwave, it could stop being a cupcake to become a cookie… hard!
    Hope you enjoy as much as I do.
    P.S. (I have blogged about, but.. in spanish. Sorry for not linking).

  2. >Great post! I also modeled in high school (though not beyond,) and always felt "fat" even when not. I gained after moving, after getting married, and after having children. The weight I gained with my second son, was the most stubborn. I'll be cheering you on as you continue this journey. Thanks for sharing.

  3. >Didn't you just have the baby or did I spend too much time under my mushroom? lol I wish you tons of "support". When are you posting a picture? Katharine