Small Office Design: Guest Remodel

Val @ Until Tomorrow has finished her small office design quite nicely.  She how she went from white bla walls and awesome green with black.

the home office has progressed nicely.  over a period of several months. and is getting marked off the list as finished.  “almost”.  i still have one more piece to refurbish before it gets the completely marked off the list. and well, those closet doors need help too,  but in the meantime i finally took a few photos for you to see how far its really come.


i love that it is a little hodge podge of several things that mean something to me.  from the pin cushion rocker that belonged to my grandmother, to the sparkly pens from my mom, and the first rendering i ever did in design school and who could forget the gorgeous desk the hubby built for me!

it is so amazing to have one space that houses all the craft supplies, paper, pens, rulers, glue, ribbon and files all the important papers, etc. AND allows me to make the biggest of messes while working on a project and not have to clean it up until it’s finished.  what a dream!

What a transformation!  I love the green walls and black furniture.  What do you think of her
 small office design?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >WOW! What a transformation! I love the color scheme. And my favorite part of the whole room is the shelves and all the stuff on them! Great job.

  2. >WOW – what a change. I LOVE IT! Just goes to show what a little paint and a little inspiration can do!! Gotta go visit her blog!! Thanks!

  3. >what a great makeover…wish i knew what color green that is…it is powerful and looks so rich with the black…very inviting room..good job

  4. I came across this site and was amazed at the makeover for the small office. I am remodeling my small office using gray for two of the walls and green for the other two walls. The office furniture is black one is a corner desk that will hold the computer and screen and has top hutch for other things as photos cd’s. The other desk is a black secretary desk/writing desk that has a drawer that pulls out to make a bigger work station but when your done using the space you close the drawer and regain space your office space back. Loved seeing this makeover to add the shelves to the wall will be a great addition to my office space. I found beautiful drapes for my windows back ground is gray with black & white circles contemporary style. Val, your makeover is beautiful and its fun to see someone was on the same page as me for this makeover 🙂

    1. I’m so glade that you found us. We hope that you come back for more great ideas like Val’s.
      Good luck with your remodeling!