Shared Little Girls Room Redo

Shared Little Girls Room Redo
 contributed by Ever Heard Of Euless

Hello! So glad you could join us today. Isn’t the scene refreshing?

Let’s remember just where we came from:

Um. Yah. Confession time. One day, while in the middle of thedreaded sanding job, I decided to snap some before pictures of every room in my house that I wanted to change. And being the crazy impatient being that I am, I didn’t even bother to clean any of them. My idea was that way the before and after would look even more dramatic. I think I need to go take some better shots! And yes, Girly-Lou is in love with paper. Every little thing she receives, every handout, every picture is a treasure and needs to be on the wall. Not so fun for me, but there you have it.

Anyway. Back to the room.

It’s done! DONE!!! I’ve known what I wanted to do with this room for 14 months now. Really ever since we moved in. But I waited for two reasons. First, being pregnant with my third child, I didn’t know if the girl room would be this larger room, or the smaller one. Second, funds were a bit low for decorating. But the first reason sounds better, so we’ll stick with that.

Then 9 months ago, ‘Lil was born. I knew which room to work on! Hubby got a pretty decent raise, and I started compiling.

Speaking of which, let’s do a thorough breakdown (thorough because I get frustrated when people to breakdowns and leave stuff out!)

Paint: Not much to talk about the actual process. I did use the green frog tape instead of the blue, and it is a LOT better at keeping out leaks. There are 4 different colors in the room, all by Behr.

  • White is New Day Dew, 1 gal ($22) + 1 qt ($15)
  • Light pink is Shy Little Piglet, 1 qt ($11)
  • Dark Pink is Snow White Song, 1 qt ($11)
  • Green is kind of Friendly Frog, 1 gal ($23) *The real color was WAY too bright. So I grabbed my 1 qt paint cup, measured out about 1 TBSP of new day dew to every 4 oz friendly frog. That made the color much more reasonable!
  • Tape, brushes, etc, $15

Paint total: $97 (paint is WAY more money that I always think!)


  • Fabric $85
  • Batting, $20
  • Thread, $10

Quilt total: $115

I used THIS tutorial for the pattern, THIS tutorial and THAT to make bias tape, THIS tutorial for the actual binding. I also machine quilted for the very first time. If you want any tips for first time quilters, I found THIS site to be the most helpful. They won’t win any awards, but I love how the quilts turned out! I don’t know if you noticed, but Girly-Lou’s has more pink, and ‘Lil’s has more green. And I even quilted their names in while doing the machine quilting.


  • forms: from old pillows already had, free
  • white fabric: 50 cents worth of thrift store pillow cases
  • other fabric, from quilts

Total: $.50


  • Actual piece, Free
  • Paint (counted above)
  • Knobs $20

Dresser total: $20
You might remember this one from months ago when I blogged about it.

Names etc.

  • Letters: $4.50, painted white
  • flowers and butterflies, scraps from quilt

Total: $4.50

I really wanted to do wood letters in this room. But have you ever priced those things? CRAZY! Then, one day I was wondering around our Michael’s. They had these foam letters on clearance for only 50 cents each! SOLD! They were crazy colors, but 4 coats of paint (grumble grumble) later, I was happy with them. Attaching them to the wall was an adventure. I wanted to do a cute hanging something or other, but everything I tried just looked really lame. Finally, in desperation, I stuck a finishing nail in the back of the foam, and then nailed it in. Loved it!

This corner:


  • Paint included above
  • Fabric shapes, extra from quilts
  • Clock, actually a wedding present

Total: Free

That tree. Wow. What a process. I first saw THIS months ago, and fell in love. It would have been a fairly easy process, but I didn’t have an overhead projector. So instead, it literally took me 5 1/2 hours to get the silly thing on the wall. It only took a couple of hours to actually paint it!
The birds are from here and here, just dipped in liquid starch and stuck up on the wall.

This corner:

  • Mirror, another wedding present, painted white with circles starched on top.
  • Flower pegs: $2 from a thrift store, painted white

Total: $2


  • Curtains, came with the house (but in another room) Free
  • Ties: left over from quilts

Total: free




  • Remove nasty old doors, free
  • Wing back chair: craigslist find $10
  • Boxes above, scrounged from around the house, free

Total: $10

Rain gutter Book shelves:

  • Rain gutters: $6.50
  • Brackets: $10
  • End caps $10

Total: $26.50
I used THIS tutorial, but I totally forgot to pick up the end caps. Joys of shopping with three little people! So that will come in a few more days. But I still love them!

Bunk bed:

  • Um. I’m not sure. My Father in Law wanted to pay for everything, and we made 4 trips to the store to get everything, and every time we went he also decided we needed $60 worth of clamps, or knee pads, or whatever. I think for wood was $250-$275.

Total: Free (for me! Really around $300)
Off course this is a Knock Off Wood pattern. I didn’t like the ladder, so I spent a lot of time looking at dimensions online, and made up my own. Actually making the bed went super fast. Sanding and painting on the other hand . . . . Well. It’s done now!

Grand Total: $275.50 (or $575, depending on how you’re counting.

I’m very happy with how it all turned out. There are still a few things I’d like to change. I’d like some different curtains, I’d love to make a magnet board for Girly-Lou to put all her papers on, the blinds need replacing. If I had money out my ears, I’d refinish the floors, get a new rug, and a really cute light fixture. But we’re good for now.

And Buddy’s happy because now I get to work on his room next!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >WOW! What a difference. Now it looks so fresh and lightly. You work and work and work – I think, you forget the little breaks. But the result is fantastic.



  2. >The bunk beds are fantastic. I love the style and then look so fresh in white. The tree by the crib was another great idea; it fits perfectly.